I meant what I wrote. Despite what some falsely claim, they do get reviewed on every play.
Now, you may not feel there is enough punishment, but among other things, which officials and crews work playoff games is based on reviews and trainings. And what the officials' role is the subsequent season is based at least partially on reviews.
I agree it could be better, but it's utter ignorant bs to say that there are no reviews and no accountability.
Wow. You reacted kind of strongly there. I was sort of mostly joking.
First, I know there's a review process. If the results of that review process says they're doing a good job, that process is a joke.
Second, the article you referenced admitted that they were accurate on 95-97% of plays. 95% means they were wrong on 2000 plays a season. That's a huge number.
Third, they don't define what "wrong" is. That makes their statement about how much they get right meaningless.
Fourth, they list remediation and demotion as consequences, and then casually drop that they are on year to year contacts as if bad officials get dropped. What about guys like Jeff Triplett or the other awful ref whose name I've forgotten (I think 2 or 3 of the worst retired after last year)? They were being terrible year after year after year. Not a damn thing done. So they can take their claims of remediation, demotion, and potentially not being brought back and shove them.
Their "review process" is probably closer to them having a few beers before turning on a highlight reel of their worry calls for the season and laughing their asses off at what they got away with than it is to any kind of meaningful evaluation process with consequences.
Without any real actions, I can't just take them at their word that they are reviewing and punishing accordingly. What would believing that be based on? Their word? Absolutely not. They can *say* that they are punishing poor performers and getting them out all they want, but we don't actually see that. Why? They say the officiating is great. We know for a fact that that's a lie. Which would make the supposed value and function of their review process... Also a lie.