A stud center changes this franchise almost as much as Big Whit if not more.
Teams have focused on using their bigger NT/DTs to fill the A gaps where we're weakest and/or blitz in those gaps. We've also struggled with B gap protections on dawgs at times and I don't know why that communication is so hard, but it has been.
But yeah, a stud, fireplug Center literally changes this franchise.
The effect would be BIGGER than when Travis Frederick went to Dallas.
Would I try to package a trade to move up or trade for a C who's coming up on a contract?
you damn right. I've not done any draft analysis of Centers in this draft and don't know if any are worthy, but it's gonna become my focus this off-season for sure.
I tend to do well grading the lines pretty well, both OL and DL. I'm decent on WRs and RBs and struggle in grading WRs and DBs. QBs are a mystery to everyone, so I don't sweat them too much.
So yeah, I'll start that after Xmas... because we need one...badly.
Also, would love to hear
@Memento and
@jrry32 's takes on both the Draft and FA options at Center, even the outlandish or seemingly too expensive...