TheDYVKX fleeing from the PD:
Hello, everybody. I'm TheDYVKX, but you can call me Bruce. I'm 37, from St. Augustine, Florida and I love the Rams. I've been a fan since they came to St. Louis, so about 1995. I've been a fan through some tough times, but it looks to be getting better for us Rams fans. The future is definitely looking much less bleak. I'm in the flooring business, so if anybody happens to live in the area and needs their floor redone, I'll give you a Rams fan discount

. I'm married to my crazy wife who I'm surprised hasn't murdered me yet. Most of my free time is used on drinking and watching sports, so the two best things on earth, am I right? I don't have that exciting of a life, just living the nice warm Florida life

I'm weaning myself off that abusive drug they call the St. Louis Post Dispatch, which is the worst thing that's ever happened to me (maybe I'm stretching it just a little), but yet I still go on there every day. I need the rehab they call Rams on Demand. Can somebody please help me? I'll be happy to go to any AA meetings.
As to my posting style, I'm kind of a know it all, so bear (bare?) with me. You can probably poke holes in every argument I have, so go easy my new comrades.
I'm happy to be here! Soon the PD will no longer have a hold on me. Thanks for taking me! I've been reading posts and you guys seem like such great people. At least there aren't any dang Whiner fans on here.