zn2010 said:
Thank you for the invite. This is a well appointed and well-designed board. Well adminned, too, looks like.
Intro. I don't discuss my job...it's a rule I have, so I'm afraid people have to bear with when it comes to that.

I was born in Manitoba, went to high school in Indiana :x and college in St.Louis; also lived in Chicago in those years...since then, have lived in So. Cal (in the 70s, when I started following the Rams), and then Chicago again, Louisiana, and now Maine. Been in Maine for a long time now (more than a dozen years) and it's home. I appreciate Rams boards cause I am in Patz territory up here. :what: I have many buddies on this board already it looks like.
Go Rams.
Hey man, welcome to ROD. I hope you enjoy it here. X has done a great job of making this place a safe-haven for Rams fan. You wont have to deal with the trolling and bashing and all that shyte here. Plus, as you may have noticed, you can type the word "shyte" and if you have your profanity filter off you can actually read it :sly: . Its a small thing I know, but I am a simple guy.
I am sure X has told you, but nothing is really considered OT here, but if it isn't at least loosely Rams related, the OT forum is a nice feature IMO.
Anyways, I am a mod on the site, so if you need anything and can't get ahold of X feel free to PM me or whatever. I hope you enjoy man, this site really is a great one.
Oh, and P.S. We also have a blog. I know that you are really good with stats so you may appreciate FMulder's Offensive and Defensive Benchmarks articles on there. He writes them every few weeks. Here are the links to the newest ones if you haven't already seen them. (<a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.ramsondemand.com/blog/2010/11/st-louis-rams-2010-offensive-benchmarks/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">blog/2010/11/st-louis-rams-2010-offensive-benchmarks/</a>) (<a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.ramsondemand.com/blog/2010/11/2010-defensive-benchmarks/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">blog/2010/11/2010-defensive-benchmarks/</a>)