Hugh Millen. Which brings up a fond memory. I had end zone seats for the RAMS whitewashing of the Falcons in Atlanta in 1988. At one point, ATL had their one legitimate scoring threat on the day with a 1st and goal at the end of the field where I was seated. As the Falcons set up shop, I began exhorting them to "kick the field goal, NOW", at the top of my lungs. Prior to each play in the sequence, I bellowed the same exhortation and when the Falcons brain trust ignored my advice (imagine that), they ended up getting stopped on 4th and goal with the shutout remaining intact. I'd had a few adult beverages, OK. Anyway, another gem I remember yelling, with the aforementioned Mr. Millen at this time in the employ of the Falcons and not faring well at all in his efforts to steward the Atlanta offense on this day was, "he's a PLANT!" Fond memories, indeed.