Rams future QB situation?

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Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Well, you make several good points, @RamFan503 .

1) there's lots of potentially good football left. The rookies including Aaron Donald and EJ Gaines are pointing toward a bright future. And if we would stop losing 6 starters a game... maybe we could stick to a game plan? I dunno that might be asking a bit much, but a fan can dream, right?

2) Winston might not declare. This is very true. Word was he'd promised to finish school. FSU Alums would love that and as you said, it would give him the time to "rehab his image". Another year at FSU would allow the University to conclude their Administrative proceedings (whatever that means at this point) and then if he has no further incidents, to put distance between himself and his past.

3) Talk of the Rams draft is premature. QB or any position...true. Well, mostly. I mean, we always look to see where we can improve, but during the season isn't the time to break down the draft. The season is short enough as it is.

I only responded because a) I felt that there was this incessant drumbeat for a player and b) I felt that a narrative was being established that I am opposed to on principle.

But really, you're right, it's time to move on. I'll just have to ignore all the Winston rah-rah and deal with the Winston issues as they arise.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
For the last time and I really have to just move on because this is just going nowhere.

Now, I will give you credit for at least giving a better summation of SOME of the facts than you've done thus far.

However, and this is IMPORTANT.


So if the TPD or any of the TPD defenders wanted to get out from under THAT claim, all they have to do is to state that they ordered that test. It's an EXTRA test. They have not. All they have stated is that they ordered a standard tox screen which DOES NOT TEST FOR NOR SCREEN FOR ROHYPNOL.

Now, I really don't like doing the caps thing, but this is just beyond ridiculous. We know that they did NOT order the extra test because if they had ordered the extra test than they, they being the Tallahassee PD, they would have said so in order to not look so damned incompetent the umpteen times the media has grilled them over this botched investigation.

Conjecture and assumptions. The reports do not go into detail on the tests that were ordered. What we do know is that when testing for date rape drugs, you test urine samples. The hospital took both blood and urine samples. Both were tested. There is no specificity provided on the tests themselves beyond the results.

We do not know that. You are making an assumption. I understand what you're saying just fine. I'm telling you that you don't know what you assert to know and that your reasoning is flawed.

Also, several of your facts that purport to support Jameis Winston either are inconclusive or support the victim.
  • Winston's consensual sex claims are supported by testimony of Casher and Darby
  • ***Considering these two may be co-conspirators, their testimony must be viewed in that light and can't be viewed as exculpatory.

No, they don't. You're only proving that you are incapable of looking at this without bias. What are they co-conspirators of? Neither had sex with her. Neither drugged her. What did they do?

And yes, their testimony absolutely is a relevant fact consider they were the ONLY witnesses at the apartment. It absolutely supports Winston.

  • Accounts from victim's friends dispute her story
  • ***This is just untrue. The victim had inconsistencies in her story which is perfectly consistent with Rohypnol poisoning. The job of a good investigator would be to parse the inconsistencies and determine the material facts from her testimony. The victim's friends have details which differ. That's a FAR CRY from the friends' stories DISPUTING the victim's story.
Incorrect. The account of her friends say that she wasn't drunk to the point of incapacitation, seemed lucid, and decided to leave the bar under her own free will. Different friends spoke about her original versions of events which differed from the version of events she later told the cops. This testimony disputes some of the facts in her own story. You can blame that discrepancy on her being drugged(which also cannot be proven) but you can't claim there aren't any elements of the story in dispute.

  • Victim's story was inconsistent(it changed) and was different from the story she told her friends
  • ***See above. Consistent with Rohypnol poisoning and differing details does not meet the criteria for dispute as you would have us believe. The friends of the victim are NOT via their testimony essentially calling the victim a liar, which is what YOU are doing.
Point again about bias. Your conclusion is that she was drugged so you're only willing to view the facts from that vantage point. The discrepancies in her story is a fact that supports Winston's argument. A drugging would explain discrepancies but that cannot be proven with the facts we have now. Her story changed. If you want to take that as her being a liar. That's your prerogative. I am only reporting the facts.

  • Urine and Blood tests were done -> No drugs found in her system and BAC at time blood was drawn(about 2 hours after supposed rape) was 0.048(which makes it highly unlikely that she was overwhelmingly intoxicated when rape occurred)
  • ***Have repeated this. Unless they specifically ordered a Rohypnol screen IT WAS NOT DONE. Rohypnol will NOT show up on a Tox screen. Considering the level of incompetence, delay and obstruction in this investigation by TPD as well as FSU, I am incredulous that the investigator would order the EXTRA test. Downright incredulous. As in... I don't believe it for a damned minute.

It was done. We don't know what tests were ordered. But some tests were conducted. And that is what they said. As I said, I am laying out the facts. Not speculation.

Now, given the facts YOU'VE acknowledged... even if you dispute the counter-argument that I've made... I'm totally at a loss as to how you reconcile this. And this is not the only troubling sexual encounter he's had. We do not know if the other encounter was similar in nature to this. We just know that the other young lady was so upset that she visited a crisis counselor about it. She didn't just drop in to tell the crisis counselor that she had casual sex. She stated that she refused to call it rape because she "didn't say no". That doesn't mean it wasn't rape. We don't know if she was incapable of saying no. That's another aspect to Rohypnol poisoning. We do know that the encounter was so troubling that the crisis counselor forwarded the incident information.

You're not making counter-arguments(there wasn't an original argument because that was the FACTS not my opinion or argument of what happened). I laid out the facts to see if you're willing to view it objectively. You weren't. I am not going to continue to argue this. You've entrenched yourself in your theory. I asked you to keep an open mind in viewing the facts of both sides and you were unwilling. Every single fact on Winston side, you viewed from the perspective that he drugged her. Maybe it's unrealistic for me to expect for any person to shed their conclusions in order to view the facts anew but I was hoping you'd try.

I have argued this enough. Not going anywhere because you've already decided that you are reasonably certain what happened that night. Your mind is made up.

As far as the other girl, even that slanted New York Times piece said that it wasn't rape. It's immaterial.

So, that makes TWO young women who've had... troubling sexual encounters with this young man. And since LESS THAN 2% of rape accusations are false... it's very likely that he's guilty. What's more, this young lady has done everything right and so much of what should be there....isn't there only because of TPD's obstruction. That phone video was crucial evidence, for example. Gone forever now.

The issue isn't "coming to a baseless conclusion." There is enough information out there to get pretty damned close.

By your logic, it's very likely that every person accused of rape is guilty. So your stance is that we should regard every person charged with rape with a presumption of guilt?(I'm not talking in the court of law either) Where does that 2% figure even come from? Does that mean that 98% of people charged with rape are convicted or that only 2% are PROVEN to be false?

As I said before, the other woman is immaterial. It wasn't rape. That is specifically said.

No, there's not enough information out there to come pretty damned close. You can't even prove the most important element of your theory...the date-rape drug.

Lets go a step further, WHO DRUGGED THE GIRL? There is no allegation that Winston, Casher, or Darby gave her a drink or had any contact with her drinks that night. In fact, she was sharing drinks of her friend. I believe she, additionally, said that she took one shot from either a bartender or a friend of a friend. But there is never a claim that Winston or Casher or Darby gave her any drink or touched any of her drinks.

So if they didn't give her the date-rape drug that you allege she ingested, WHO DID?

Sorry but you can't get pretty damned close. You can't prove that she was drugged and you can't prove who might have drugged her. That's what holds your theory up.

I'm not going to make conclusory judgement on something as serious as rape based on a complete lack of evidence.
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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
You seem to be hung up on a point that neither of us is contesting. The issue is how did we get to this point.

I am hung up on the most important thing possible. How do you make a conclusory judgement as to whether someone is guilty or innocent of a crime like rape without evidence? I am not talking about a court of law. I am talking abut you as a person. How do you make that sort of judgement when you don't have convincing evidence? That seems like a major folly to me.

Do you remember the Duke Lacrosse allegations? I'm not saying that Winston is innocent like them but those guys were unfairly convicted in the court of public opinion. I think it's unfair to make that sort of judgement without a reasonable burden of evidence standard.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
There is even talk that Jameis is leaning toward returning to FSU so he could clean up his image. I think that would make him a moot point then - right?

I highly doubt that. Rumors I've been hearing are that he'll declare due to this school disciplinary hearing that he's been putting off in case they expel him.

But you're right. @Mackeyser I respect you as a poster but I don't agree with you on this subject. You're entitled to a rebuttal but after that, I'm just going to let it die.


A snazzy title
Jul 21, 2013
Just trying to lighten the moot.:cautious:
It is heated in here...Nothing wrong with that...I still gotta side with @jrry32 ....no reason to convict a guy on speculation...It's done far too often....oh BTW, Winson is on right now...and his skill, like the announcer said, in big games in undeniable...accurate & clutch...

late lil edit: this is what is kinda bothering me too
How do you make that sort of judgement when you don't have convincing evidence? That seems like a major folly to me.
And I believe it's done far too often than many would like to admit....Come in with an opinion, which turns into an agenda....And as we can all tell, Mac is sharp...He has it upstairs....but his mind is made up....guilty until proven innocent...damn shame.

Another note, Conner Cook is really improving...I'd like to see his individual workouts...It may make the Jameis decision moot...
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Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I highly doubt that. Rumors I've been hearing are that he'll declare due to this school disciplinary hearing that he's been putting off in case they expel him.

But you're right. @Mackeyser I respect you as a poster but I don't agree with you on this subject. You're entitled to a rebuttal but after that, I'm just going to let it die.

Good call..........there will never be any resolution on this issue even in real life so no reason to pound it out here among friends.

Now get the fuck back on the A-Train and sit down and make yourself comfortable.


Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Good call..........there will never be any resolution on this issue even in real life so no reason to pound it out here among friends.

Now get the freak back on the A-Train and sit down and make yourself comfortable.

He's absolutely right. Now go pound....something else.


Mar 17, 2014
That's the issue. There's a complete lack of evidence here. It's a he said/she said story with the majority of testimony and evidence not favoring the accuser. I'm not saying that proves innocence, only that charges were not filed for good reason. There just isn't evidence to prove guilt.
Unfortunately, this applies to most rape cases.
It's a crime where there are rarely witnesses.
It's also a crime that rarely goes prosecuted or even reported more often than not.


Oct 22, 2013
jrry32 not making it real:
I am hung up on the most important thing possible. How do you make a conclusory judgement as to whether someone is guilty or innocent of a crime like rape without evidence? I am not talking about a court of law. I am talking abut you as a person. How do you make that sort of judgement when you don't have convincing evidence? That seems like a major folly to me.

Do you remember the Duke Lacrosse allegations? I'm not saying that Winston is innocent like them but those guys were unfairly convicted in the court of public opinion. I think it's unfair to make that sort of judgement without a reasonable burden of evidence standard.
You're not making this real life jrry.

People are killed in the electric chair that were convicted by "evidence" who are later found to be innocent. Guilty people are not convicted because of lack of evidence or "tainted" evidence. The courts are not the final arbiters of justice jrry, they're just the final arbiters of the law. The law and the courts have very little to do with the personal judgments we make about people. 99% of the time when we call someone an asshole there is someone else who thinks he's a great guy. That's real life jrry and sometimes in real life things aren't fair.

You and everyone else makes judgments about everyone you meet, hear about on the radio or see on TV. In my judgment you're a smart guy but where's the evidence of that? Your wife could be dictating everything you write but yet I'm still confdent in my personal judgment concerning you.

I'm not using my judgment to send the guy to jail. I would use my judgment about this as a factor in whether or not to draft him. I, as a person am totally fine with my personal judgments about the people I know, meet or hear about. I may be wrong but c'est la vie.

Let me pose a hypothetical to you jrry. There's a teacher who has been accused by some of inappropriate behavior with some of his students in high school. You have a daughter/son who goes to that school and has him as one of their teachers. Are you going to talk to them about the teacher? Are you going to allow your children to go to a party where he's the only chaperone? Even talking to your child about that teacher is casting aspersions on his character and your child will probably pass the conversation along to his friends and first thing you know, the teacher's reputation is ruined. But if your child is molested by the teacher and you failed to warn him or inquire about their actions how would you feel? So you make a judgment that while there is no evidence that will stand up in a court of law it's better to be safe than sorry.

It's fine to be talking about fairness in the abstract and laws should be crafted to protect people from accusations that are unproven. But that's a different story.

OK, I'm fially finished editing. :LOL:
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Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
I will say this...

I know firsthand that false accusations DO happen (thankfully said firsthand experience is not of rape accusations). But there's enough here known that while Winston shouldn't be convicted at this point (under the theory that it's better that a guilty man go free than an innocent man go to jail), I would not feel comfortable with him as a Ram and I might not be able to support them with him, no matter how good he is.

You can turn around and say "What about Leonard Little?" all you want, but while it's horrible that Little's actions resulted in fatality, his only intentional crime was DWI, which is unfortunately far too common in the League to hop on Little alone for just because he had bad luck. If the NFL wants to incur harsh penalties for DWI in general, I'm all for that.

But if there's even a chance he is a rapist, he shouldn't be a Ram. Does that suck for him if he's innocent? Sure. But right now, the story I'm seeing is big time college athlete gets his crimes swept under the rug in the college town because f'ball. And I don't want that in horns. Even if I can't prove it.


Mar 17, 2014
I will say this...

I know firsthand that false accusations DO happen (thankfully said firsthand experience is not of rape accusations). But there's enough here known that while Winston shouldn't be convicted at this point (under the theory that it's better that a guilty man go free than an innocent man go to jail), I would not feel comfortable with him as a Ram and I might not be able to support them with him, no matter how good he is.

You can turn around and say "What about Leonard Little?" all you want, but while it's horrible that Little's actions resulted in fatality, his only intentional crime was DWI, which is unfortunately far too common in the League to hop on Little alone for just because he had bad luck. If the NFL wants to incur harsh penalties for DWI in general, I'm all for that.

But if there's even a chance he is a rapist, he shouldn't be a Ram. Does that suck for him if he's innocent? Sure. But right now, the story I'm seeing is big time college athlete gets his crimes swept under the rug in the college town because f'ball. And I don't want that in horns. Even if I can't prove it.
Same here. Nothing even remotely as serious, but it still not something to laugh at.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Yeah, we disagree 'bout as much as two guys can disagree, I 'spose.

You don't have to trust me on this, but I'm telling you I'm right on this. They didn't order a Rohypnol test. If they had and she tested negative, it would go a long way toward impeaching the story of the accuser. Because, in that case, she wouldn't have had much to drink and no drugs in her system including no Rohypnol. Again, that still doesn't mean she wasn't raped, but her account isn't that she was coherent and forced, but that she wasn't coherent...which points to alcohol or Rohypnol. Her friends remove the likelihood of alcohol which leaves Rohypnol. The investigator screwing up stops us from positively knowing, but if they had done that test, you can bet that Winston's lawyers and/or TPD would already have leaked that info by now because THAT bit of info would very much impeach the accuser's story. And at that point, it would be appropriate to begin calling her "accuser" as opposed to "victim".

Casher and Darby are potential co-conspirators because we do not know what their level of involvement was in this incident. Normally, the investigation would uncover that. Well, that's moot now, isn't it? Can you say for certain that they didn't participate? Because that would make them criminally culpable if Winston were guilty. I know I have no idea. I suspect that they have SOME culpability since Casher video taped part of the encounter. As well, Winston didn't text the young woman. Winston didn't drop her off. If this was rape as I deeply believe it was, then it begs the question what did they know and when did they know it? Did they know he was being rough enough with her to get bruises? How did she get those bruises?

Now, here's the potential bombshell.

What's Casher (the one who took the video, I get them mixed up) going to say under oath when this gets to civil trial? Perjury will still be in effect (I actually researched that to verify). Under oath, he's going to be asked about the content of that video since he took it and that won't be hearsay. You'll know something is wrong if Winston's legal team tries to suppress the testimony.

As to your question of "who did it?", unless you believe they all got to Winston's place and Winston and the young woman started going at it without so much as a "would you like some iced tea", then it's entirely possible that she was drugged in the apartment. Which makes sense, just from a logistical standpoint. It's safer. Being caught in possession of Rohypnol is a felony, iirc. So just carrying it around is a bad idea. Plus, there are logistical concerns which I won't get into because... I'm really not trying to teach anyone how to date rape anyone..., but yeah. Dropping a pill in a drink at the bar isn't the smartest idea. You'll notice in the Darren Sharper case, he always met women in the bar or club or whatever, but invited them back to his hotel room. He spiked their drinks there. So, it was always a given for me that the Rohypnol poisoning happened where the rape happened... if for no reason than the potential alternative of 3 black guys carrying around a semi-conscious blonde white girl is gonna arouse suspicion...even in Tallahassee.

Lastly, the less than 2% statement is exactly what I meant. Less than 2% are false. Rape is also grossly under-reported for any number of reasons that has filled many books. Is every non-false rape accusation a de-facto verdict of guilt for the accused? Of course not. However, my point is that we give credence when a person has been burgled. We believe them and officers investigate to find their stuff. If someone has been assaulted, we believe them and officers investigate to find the perpetrator of the assault. When a person is raped, all too often we don't believe them and ask of them to convince us prior to truly investigating.

It is possible to believe the rapist AND to give the accused a fair trial. My principled opposition to Mr. Winston in this instance is the larger issue of college athletes who for decades have gotten away with rape after rape after rape leaving dead and damaged women in their wake. It is about the principled opposition to college town PDs and even some smaller town PDs where the whole town revolves around the HS Footall team that refuse to enforce the law when it comes to the athletes in their jurisdiction. It is also specifically about Mr. Winston and the crime I believe he committed.

I really did come into this with an open mind. But I have a lot of experiences which have informed me on this. Far too much to recount here.

Let me just say in the spirit of reconciliation that I respect you as well, jrry and that I'm fine just moving on. If you want to have the last word, enjoy. :)

I'll let my last words on this be: Go Rams!


Pro Bowler
Jul 29, 2010
I know this has been a very heated discussion and I think there is a possibility all the true facts may never really come out and everyone will keep their opinion no matter what side they are on. Personally (And, I will admit that I am an FSU Fan), I would love to see the Rams get Winston if they get the opportunity and IF the Rams honestly do their due diligence on Winston and they feel like his past (hopefully, the past) issues are cases of immaturity and not because he is bad person who they think will continue making bad decisions. And, IF, the Rape charges are proven true (Or, if the Rams Management & Legal Staff have major concerns that they might be true) then by all means stay away from him but if the Rams think he is innocent and he doesn't do anymore immature or illegal acts then I will confess that I would like to see the Rams select Winston in the 2015 Draft. Again, I am very biased concerning Winston since I am a Seminole fan but I honestly think he is the best QB in college right now (Maybe, not as good of a prospect as Andrew Luck but still very, very good) and I think he will have an outstanding NFL career. With all this being said I don't think Winston will even be available when the Rams draft so all this probably is a moot point (right phrase?).