Dirty little fuckers! That's just poor sportsmanshipCheap ass mother fuckers trying to rush Goff on a kneel down
And Aaron Rodgers just lost to the Cardinals at home and Drew Brees put up a whopping dime on the Cowboys... yeah, we're spoiled.Tom Brady had 133 yards against the Lions.
Exactly.Now let’s see the Bears play a full overtime.
Spielman is great though not a homer at all and he calls it right....and knows hockey lol
Both after TDs.Anybody know the story on the sunglasses?
Woods had them on earlier
Then Gurley
Consider the injury and how late it is in the season. I mean...you don't want Talib to even strain anything...if anything, you want the guy getting stronger, building up to a 60 min player.I dont get the Talib decision. If he's healthy he needs to ne in there for crunch time
Honestly it should draw some kind of fine when the O is conceding and taking a knee when your down 2 scores this is just looking to hurt someone.Dirty little fuckers! That's just poor sportsmanship
Now let’s see the Bears play a full overtime.
Ok to all those saying he should have just run it in I disagree. He's forcing the lions to spend time outs by giving us a 1st and goal. And even without a TD a fg gives us a 2 score game and no time outs for the lions
A tie couldn't happen to a better team. Haha.
Haha.Yeah, that's what the Rams need, the Bears in Chicago with a bee in their bonnet. :fuelfire:
I agree.Points aren't guaranteed. Fumble, bad snap, blocked FG etc...I would take the 14 point lead at that point in the game.
https://theramswire.usatoday.com/2018/12/02/nfl-rams-malcolm-brown-injury-shoulder/How bad is the shoulder injury to RB Malcolm Brown?
McVay only dressed 2 RB's think the will do that again?
Anyone know why Talib seems to me out here in the 3Q????