You're exactly right. I basically say the same thing to anybody I talk to TNA about, it became WWE Lite. More specifically, it tries to be Attitude Era Jr. Right down to unnecessarily dropping swears to unnecessarily ramped up intercompany drama. It comes across as less daring and edgy and more annoying and overdone because it's been almost 20 years since that crap was fresh and new. TNA was at it's best when it was it's own thing, when it was just lightly poking fun at WWE with Shark Boy and BG James and Kip basically all but screaming they were the New Age Outlaws. Affectionate crap like that before it became outright coattail riding. Hulk has every last single one of Vince's problems and then some. He thinks people want to see big, beefy guys who beat up on each other before being winded in under 12 seconds flat, sees a story line being successful and can't move past it, has to rehash it several times and just generally doesn't treat anybody who works for him with any respect.