Fisher needs to go, need I say more?
There's literally no more excuse for this jekyll and hyde team. No more no starting QB, no more no talent, no more sad songs. Just the hard facts that Fisher cannot prepare his teams to play any games. He loves playing tough against divisional rivals, but that's it.
For four years now he's proven that everything else simply doesn't matter to him and his teams will come out lat and uninspired and embarrass themselves to teams they have no business embarrassing themselves to.
And I'm fucking sick of it. There's no Bradford, Wells, Long, Schott or whoever to blame it on anymore. This falls squarely on Fisher's lack of preparation and anticipation of his next opponent. They get big headed after a strong win and forget to play the very next game, it always happens, week after week every fucking year for 4 years. They got their QB, they got their picks, they got their talent and they've completely retooled the entire team to the point that Spags is just a distant far off memory. Yet it still persists, what's to blame now? Foles, Cigs, Williams?
Where was the intensity, the playcall and the smarts from last game? Apparently still in Saint Louis. I've lost so much confidence in Fisher, the same damn thing can only persist for so long before you've got to look at the only fucking constant still around. I don't know what he does, does he let the talk go to his head, does he simply not care about these games, does he simply believe they're gimmes so he plans less? I don't know, and I probably will never know.
But I do know that this has happened again, and there's literally no foundation, not an iota of proof that it's going to change and I'm done with it. I officially believe that Fisher has no idea ho to run this team.