Enough with the "gang member" crap. That's the third time I've seen it mentioned. Nowhere in my post is that term used. Do you all know how to read? I lived an hour from Oakland for over 30 years and worked in that city during the 80's for three years. It's a rough place to live and to work and the fans pride themselves on being badasses.
"Mad Max and bikers gangs" was meant to imply that it's sometimes dangerous and unpredictable there. I never took family members or women or children to those games for that reason.
How many of you have actually sat in the stands during Raiders games? And I don't mean for a couple of games. The Raiders were my second team to root for during the 70's and 80's and I went to a ton of their games in that stadium. Maybe the fans have softened since those days but it's not called "The Black Hole" for nothing. You don't have to agree but don't misrepresent what I posted.
Here's a "gang" mention below.
2. Oakland Raiders
The Raider fan culture is dirty, disgusting, dangerous, scary and, well, effective.
When a game at 'The Black Hole' pops up on the schedule, a number of NFL players certainly wish they could play anywhere else.
Oakland Raider fans are not just a group of fans. They're a gang. Oakland Raider fans are
killers (at a preseason game, for goodness sake),
thieves and anything but pleasant on game day.
Oakland Raiders: Why Raider Fans' Image Is Hurting Their Home Game Attendance
Oakland Raiders fans are the
fourth worst fans in American Sports according to GQ Magazine. The article paints Raider fans as, "Hell-raisers, gangbangers, and inveterate knife-lickers all of whom firmly believe that skipping town for an away game is well worth the parole violation."
Raider fans have an image problem and it could be hurting their ticket sales. Just like Raider fans have fans spread across the nation, so do other
NFL teams. You'll find a lot of members of the Raider Nation when the
Raiders play away games.
Because of the image problem Raider fans have, it may be causing some of the away team's fans to stay away from Oakland when their team plays the Raiders. It also may be causing some members of the Raider Nation who have never been to a game to stay away from Oakland as well.