I'm sure I'll never get past Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo
Checking out that trailer, it hit me in the scene with Emilia Clarke. From GoT I know EC is sort of a munchikin. Ehrenreich should be towering over her, but nope.
Hitting the Google machine/tale of the tape:
Alden Ehrenreich 5'9", or less
Harrison Ford 6'1"
So I guess the line to Ehrenreich is this: Aren't you a little short to be a Han Solo?
But more seriously, for me, Ron Howard seems to do good work. He's got those Oscar awards. On his more recent works, I didn't think Inferno was horrible, just not very good and Rush surprised me in a good way.
I'm guessing, unlike Rogue One, some of the scenes in the trailer might actually be in the final cut of the movie. This might be the prequel we're looking for (let's go space train heist!)