I agree. Actions.
So far a land developer has joined an investment group that purchased some land, his people have proposed a possible stadium using drawings, with no stated connection to any team, as a possible attraction to a retail / entertainment development. This development has received agreements with the local city, with no obligation to actually build a stadium, and is laying the subterranean infrastructure.
They did this action only after failing to negotiate upgrades to a dome.
This motivated STL to spearhead a new stadium, which they have successfully defended in court, which has moved far along in the land purchases, labor negotiations, and railroad agreements necessary to actually build.
Then we see the head of that new STL stadium effort in the VIP tent at training camp with his family as invited guests of the Rams.
Actions not taken: Asking to move the Rams. Votes from the NFL that would actually allow the Rams to move.
Have I missed anything?