I don't know; if you elect alderman, senators and representatives who pass this type of ordinance/legislation which removes the voters from having a say in the process, if that is, indeed, what the judge ultimately decides, then isn't that part and parcel of our current democratic process? I mean the voters are the ones who put these folks in office to pass those types of things, and it IS a representative government.
Maybe the day will come when voters can vote on every little thing vis a vis their smartphones or computer app but that day has yet to come. Until then we are stuck with what we've voted into office.
I'm with blue4; I'm from St. Louis but live in mid-Missouri and you never hear anyone -- other that Professor Amman and his cronies, some of whom are on the public dole, I hope you realize, which means that they aren't currently paying taxes -- saying that they don't want the stadium or that they want the Rams to leave. I think Missourians are okay with what is going on when it comes to keeping the Rams there; that is, other than Amman, the 3 folks who signed on to his ill-founded attempt to latch onto the court process yesterday, and those 6 idiot representatives -- the latter of whom have been pretty roundly vilified in most quarters within the state.