It was in an article I posted before. Los Angeles had a commission paid for by each group to see what the economic projections would be, for the entire projects. Inglewood being more than a stadium obviously gives them a boost.
I think you're getting hung up on them bending the rules. I definitely can see them changing them. The difference between this and the relocation, is they have set themselves up with a lot of wiggle room by how they were written, and with various comments throughout the process. The G4 rules are a bit more black and white, but I don't doubt the NFL would rewrite them if they wanted. Most of these rule, especially in terms of relocation, are likely more about making sure that fans are happy and not worried, therefore more willing to open their wallets, than forcing owners into doing things that they want to do. So they write the relocation bylaws in such a way they have tons of room to do whatever they want, and still be "okay" by the bylaws.
However that's not the point, the point is why spend 400 million when you don't have to? 400 million for Carson, 200 for St Louis, 200 for Levis, and 200 for the Vikings new digs, now they're suddenly down a billion dollars in the last 5 years. Those loans are set up to not really need much of a payback, if really at all, so it's a hit that they need to calculate in with things. It's not about bending the rules, it's about loaning the cash.
When I say NFL in this situation I typically mean the owners. The G4 loans don't really make them much money though, it's so long and such a low interest rate, it's really not much. The Inglewood project has more potential and growth from how things stand right now. I do assume that another team goes to occupy the St Louis market, leaving it bare is stupid, keeping a team in San Diego with 2 in LA is stupid, and leaving the Raiders in Oakland with no team in St Louis is stupid. If the Rams leave, there should be another team that moves in.
Why loan 400 million to Carson, in hopes that you eventually (over 20+ years, because you know they wont turn around and start making large payments ASAP) make the money back, when you can loan nothing for a project that probably sees north of 6 with two teams. Inglewood isn't a single team stadium.