Not directed at you
@dieterbrock, but I have a couple years on you, and it is NEVER going to change, because the human race is made up primarily of uninformed, self absorbed fuckheads, and fuckheadettes, who don’t give a shit about anything but themselves, and never have, and never will.
Without naming names, there is a single entity in the US responsible for all the discord. Or so the story goes.
So who exactly were all the people buying 20 bottles of Purel, at the expense of the other 18 that would have liked to have a bottle or 2.
Must have been the deplorables
Point is, and ALWAYS will be, it’s about #1, and theirs, and always will be.
Personally, I am enjoying the shit out of this whole charade, and am dumping every dime I have into the Market.
I got hurt pretty badly during the last shitstorm, wishing I had a few bucks to invest when the market tanked.
Well it’s tanking again, and I got some bucks.
Thank you Lord, Thank you Jesus.
(I don’t usually drink, but when I do, I post).