Slayer attracts a lot of Neo Nazis as well, so I don't tend to listen to them.
I mean, I normally don't judge music because of artists (hell, I listen to Satanist songs and R. Kelly), but I don't want to be grouped with freaking Nazis.
I stay away from the Satanist garbage but most of my favorites are dead drug users. Chris Cornell, Layne Stayley, Scott Welland and Kurt fucking Cobain. Only famous person I got choked up when he died. Not the biggest Pearl Jam fan, like some of their stuff, but they should wrap Eddie Vetter in bubble wrap.
Was not too happy when Chester Bennington killed himself either.
Myself, I wonder if so many of the artistic types, in this case rock singers seem to fall into addiction and deep depression. Is it their rock star lifestyle or artistic people are just more prone to it ?
Kurt was the last great rock star IMO. Opened the door to all the what they called Grunge bands and the the Post Grunge stuff. I loved the 90s music. So much of it great.
Around 2013 popular music had some good modern acts. Now its pure shit. Even the kids seem to know it.
I am 54 and have always listened to what the kids do. Stuff that I like anyway. Its almost just not around anymore.