I’m gonna be very pragmatic and open about this. And please leave this here as I expect you will due to your track record of respect.
I’m a minor league umpire in AA. I understand and comprehend your perspective as a fan because like you, I’m also a fan. I’m about as hardcore as a fan gets on game day (I yell at officials, jump up and down scaring my 1 1/2 year old son...etc). But as a professional adjudger, official myself, I take to heart the “don’t make it about you” scapegoat phrase. Now listen, I’m not making this personal towards you or anyone by any means, but I take it personal because I’ve had that phrase yelled to me in my face after ejecting a manager.... even this past season where I only had 6 ejections in 145 games. With that said, I never, ever made it about me. I never made a call thinking,”man I want the crowd to see me take control”. And I’m going to tell you now that no official “makes it about them” unless it’s a personal vendetta against an individual. Even then, it’s not about them because it’s unprofessional. It’s all about a judgment call in a split second, that is made that we as fans may not agree with. Period. But yet fans seem to think it’s about the official/umpire “making it about them”. What many folks don’t realize is the amount of sacrifice and experience one goes through to reach the highest level of officiating. Don’t you think the directors of officials (NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL...) have studied the officials they hire? They know their characters, their families, their skill sets in and out. Not to mention, they are constantly evaluated.
I’m the end, hate the call, disagree, do whatever one has to do (because I do it too!) But don’t make it personal or criticize one who is trying to do their best in a highly stressful , highly focused job while being around the best in the world.
I thought I’d let you and anyone who takes the time to read this in on a little insight from the other side of the fence.