When I won my BIG SUPER BOWL bet I had A REAL LIFE FORREST GUMMP with me to collect.He hadn’t been anywhere in awhile.He jumped on a bed like a kid & he was 90. He’d seen EVERY THING !! He LOVED that season.Talk about WAR-HISTORY-NAVY-SPORTS!! AMAZING!!
My BIGGEST REGRET in LIFE was not recording & writing a book & making a movie !! I had EVERYTHING!!! He was an orphan
back in DC!! Talk about getting rid of the penny !!! Talk about trillions & billions!!! This country was built on people like that MAN !! I have his ashes & I have his Flag!! I live in a little box of a place. I’m a degenerate !! My LOVE & FAMILY mean everything! My friends as well. I’m a lucky MAN !! Still & may NEVER grow up!!
Anyway my Life & world has just went another FULL CIRCLE!!! Not to many people have been pleased like me. I’m a real life historian!! I know & have known it.I was so BLESSED SATURDAY!! My dad came & visted & was able to tell him how much I LOVED him !! Gave him a hug & said I don’t ever know when I’m going to EVER be able to tell you this again,or never tell you how much I love you.Gave him a big hug,cried & told him how much I loved him & thanked him for being such a great father.He knew Sammy. Sammy’s Son graduated from Annapolis,but decided to go Marines & led a group of young Men into War.Granted he was a Life Long Bosun’s Mate!!! You could imagine.I’ve been HONORED to have LOVE & RESPECT from some of our GREATEST MEN in OUR WORLD!! There are so many of them,and don’t even want to go where I might.Sammy isn’t in a grave.He is with me still as well as LOL as half my mother.I get to visit the other half this weekend.Sort of cool the places Life takes us .
I wish everyone truthfully The Best!! Hug your loved ones & tell them you love them! I’ll try this weekend .