Marshawn Lynch Shits All Over The Media Today

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Apr 28, 2012
Ken Morris
At media day, I wish players would disrespect the opposing team and their players. That would be so much more interesting and fun. Kind of like Joe promising an SB victory while sipping a drink at poolside. But with more bravado. Don't just give them bulletin board material, give them a whole bulletin library. Lynch 'I'm going to run the ball down their fucking throats. We are going to kick their no-good god damn cheating assess up and down the field all night long'. That sort of thing. And from players on both sides. Why not? Then I might actually want to watch it. Guarantee the interest in the game and the ratings would spike to new levels.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
It would be hypocritical of me to hate on the guy for his viewpoints of those in the media when I continuously get on Bernie, Mike Florio, etc. for the same thing.

But he's handling this poorly, and IMO looks immature in doing so. Making snarky comments over random things just makes him more exposed to the exact thing he's trying to get away from. He doesn't like media, fine. I don't either. That doesn't mean you have to act like a child in the process. Be a humble man, say the right things and maybe, just maybe the media won't be able to find anything to twist.

Or he can do it his way. And just tell them nothing. I like his way better.

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
Why was it that the only media person in that clip he gave any respect to was the African-American guy?
Yeah, it's just the media he doesn't like. Silly me.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
The thing that cracks me up is that people are pissed he won't give them a sound bite of the same mindless drivel that every athlete already gives out. The alternative to him not saying ,"I'm just here so I don't get fined" is "Oh jeez, it's such an honor to be here".

Who the freak cares? Does him saying what we expect every athlete to say mean that much? I just don't understand the faux outrage over this. He owes the media? You mean the guys that make good money to write their deep musings on what it takes to win on Sunday. Let's go ahead and read some of the gems that Nick Wagoner throw out, and somehow guys like Marshawn owe guys like him? I just don't buy it.

I understand that these are grown men getting paid millions to play a game and something so menial as answering a few soft toss questions shouldn't be made such a production. But if the guy simply doesn't want to talk, why not respect that? Instead they shove cameras and mics down the guys throat hoping to get some reaction. By attempting to debase Lynch, they themselves are dropping to the lowest common denominator.

Sonofabitch, you've made me defend a Seahawk...and Lynch at that. :mad:
Well, what about the other people who have a job to cover his incoherent ramblings? Whether or not what they do is worth its weight in salt is immaterial to the fact that he's not so damn important that he can go rogue while every other athlete honors their responsibilities. What if all the Rams players followed suit and we learned nothing about any of them and instead had to watch as they told us all to go fuck ourselves? What if all the players in the league did the same thing? I realize it's all just fluff and meaningless soundbites, but that's what their job entails. And we're the ones who make it all possible for them.


Jan 26, 2015
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When he says "that's understandable" he contradicts himself. If it was understandable, he would comprehend that he needs to do his job like everyone else and answer questions.


Pro Bowler
Jun 10, 2014
I don't really like the way he does it, BUT, really like watching him stick it up Goodell and the NFL's......


Hall of Fame
Sep 20, 2012
He acts like a child, that shows no respect to the media and fans. I do hope he does't get a Super Bowl MVP - he is NO ambassador for the Sport, and deserves to be pulled down a peg or two for his immature actions.

This may be a biatchmode marketing stunt, and he's probably making more money on this sort of act than he does get fined. But you know, if he wants to show young football fans how to disrespect the league, media and to a point his team - its a shame really as these are the people who actually pay his wage which fuels his inflated ego.

So I say to you Marshawn Terrell Lynch, born in that great African city of ermm Oakland, California. You may be intelligent, you may think you're clever and funny, but to me, you come across like a selfish spoilt brat. You would do well to practice some humility in your life. Showing humility does not mean you think less of yourself, simply that you think of yourself less.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
.... he would comprehend that he needs to do his job like everyone else and answer questions.

shows no respect to the media and fans
Why is not playing by someone else's rules "showing no respect"? Maybe he thinks the rules are stupid, or maybe he thinks the rules are exploitive, or something else that we don't know?
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Hall of Fame
Apr 23, 2013
Perhaps you mean, "If a white guy said, 'shout out to all my Europeans'....."
Curious, why isn't what he said at the least a lil amusing? BTW, I think he meant Afro-Americans, but I could be wrong....And if a white guy said it, I wouldn't be upset at all...I mean, who cares?
I don't find it amusing because the whole thing was a giant temper tantrum. He didn't answer any questions like he was supposed to. He just whined like a bitch and stared at everyone and counted down the minutes. I expect that from a child, not a grown ass man. For the love of God, please put the burden of being paid millions of dollars to play a game and answer a few stupidly simple questions. I wouldn't complain one bit unless it got personal- and those questions weren't personal.

As for the "shout out" portion, whatever he meant, why'd he say it? Why single out people simply because they're black? Does he hate white people? If not, why did he even bring up race? You may not care if a white person said the equivalent but I can guarantee you it would be brought up by certain groups and media members. If racism is ever going to be defeated, I don't think actions like this make the relations any better. Putting a certain group above another simply based on race is the very definition of racism. I hate racism from whichever side it comes. Perhaps I read into it too much but that's exactly how it sounded to me; that he has a definite preference.


Hall of Fame
Sep 20, 2012
Why is not playing by someone else's rules "showing no respect"? Maybe he thinks the rules are stupid, or maybe he thinks the rules are exploitive, or something else that we don't know?

Maybe you don't think he should answer questions about the sport he's an ambassador for, but I for one do. He's a professional sportsman, if he didn't want to be in the limelight or be a public figure or take $$$ for playing a sport then why bother join the NFL? You take the money you pay your dues and that includes answering questions about the sport that you're involved with...

Its not that they're asking him his views on racism, world peace or anal probing by aliens the questions are about football.

Do you not think that his reluctance to speak to the media is more than exploitive, I do. IMO, he's the biggest media whore in the NFL.

He doesn't deserve any more of my valuable time, so Marshawn, see this, this is me staring you out...

But before i leave 'cause I only have like 20 seconds before my iPhone tells me its time to go...

(ohh by the way Apple, did you notice I got your cute ringtone millions of hits on the internet, can you gee me money for freakin' product placement, cause i picked up the phone at least 4 times too)....

Shout out to all those football players that take time out to answer the questions of the media, because we, your fans don't get the opportunity to ask you questions or speak to you, so thank you for giving YOUR time for US.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Or he can do it his way. And just tell them nothing. I like his way better.

Actually, he told them plenty. He told them how much of an immature person he is. Be humble and there's no way a media member can twist that.


A snazzy title
Jul 21, 2013
I don't find it amusing because the whole thing was a giant temper tantrum. He didn't answer any questions like he was supposed to. He just whined like a bitch and stared at everyone and counted down the minutes. I expect that from a child, not a grown ass man. For the love of God, please put the burden of being paid millions of dollars to play a game and answer a few stupidly simple questions. I wouldn't complain one bit unless it got personal- and those questions weren't personal.

As for the "shout out" portion, whatever he meant, why'd he say it? Why single out people simply because they're black? Does he hate white people? If not, why did he even bring up race? You may not care if a white person said the equivalent but I can guarantee you it would be brought up by certain groups and media members. If racism is ever going to be defeated, I don't think actions like this make the relations any better. Putting a certain group above another simply based on race is the very definition of racism. I hate racism from whichever side it comes. Perhaps I read into it too much but that's exactly how it sounded to me; that he has a definite preference.
definitely not a alumnus from the U. of Cal @ Berkley high point for sure....well not me, but some family of mine...


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
Actually, he told them plenty. He told them how much of an immature person he is. Be humble and there's no way a media member can twist that.

That's just giving them what they want...and don't deserve.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I don't really like the way he does it, BUT, really like watching him stick it up Goodell and the NFL's......

I know many of you guys like to make this about the NFL and Goodell, but lets not forget his own union agreed to this, and he signed a contract agreeing to do the interview and to wear team uniforms.

I hope Goodell whacks him, because if he doesn't it's only going to get worse. I'd tell him "one more time and you will be watching the SB from your hotel room". This isn't a choice, it's an obligation. And not a very difficult one at that, it's actually fairly easy, put on your jersey and answer some easy questions for 3 minutes.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
I like Q&A's. That's why I read them and post them here at ROD. I would be interested in what he has to say about the sport of football. But since he's withholding his views and breaking the rules by not speaking to the media, he should be fined. The good news is that all that money he loses goes to charity.

When it comes time to be voted into the Hall of Fame, he will find out that most of the voters are media types and he shouldn't be surprised if they make him wait for many years or shut him out altogether. Right or wrong people tend to have long memories and can at times be spiteful.

Mikey Ram

Hall of Fame
Oct 20, 2014
If he or any other player wants to piss and moan about their obligations under their contract, perhaps their almighty union should be the starting point...You know, the player's reps who negotiated and signed off on the CBA...For me at least next stop is the game...I've used too much of my time on this jerk...I'm pretty old school about respecting obligations and thinking that you are bigger than the game, a job, a group of people, etc...Life is more than "it's all about me" many more times than not...


Pro Bowler
Jun 10, 2014
I know many of you guys like to make this about the NFL and Goodell, but lets not forget his own union agreed to this, and he signed a contract agreeing to do the interview and to wear team uniforms.

I hope Goodell whacks him, because if he doesn't it's only going to get worse. I'd tell him "one more time and you will be watching the SB from your hotel room". This isn't a choice, it's an obligation. And not a very difficult one at that, it's actually fairly easy, put on your jersey and answer some easy questions for 3 minutes.
Good point, can't believe these knucklehead players put up with their union.