A man walks into a bar with a bag.
He opens the bag and pulls out a little man, about a foot tall and a small piano.
The small man starts playing the piano beautifully.
The bartender say "that's amazing. You must have some Genie that allowed you to get that small man and piano."
The man says "as a matter of fact, I do have a Genie, it's in the bag."
The bartender asks if he can request something from the Genie.
The man says "sure".
The bartender asks for a million bucks.
All of a sudden, the bar door swings open and a huge horde of ducks start marching in.
The bartender says "Wait a minute! I asked for a million
bucks. Is your Genie hard of hearing?"
The man says, "as a matter of fact, it is hard of hearing. You think I asked for a 12 inch pianist?"