To me key penalties and no-calls changed this game. I know it's getting redundant, but it's still very bothersome! I don't agree we were out-coached. D was good for both teams. I do believe refs stole this victory from us, just like in SB 36.
1. The first O play by Rams. Pats' lineman intentionally trips Gurley as he is bursting through the hole. A correct call on this blatant foul gives us a first down and a good start to the game.
2. The BS call on Roby-Coleman. Refs thinking, "We can't let the Rams pin Pats on the 15 yard line, they might have to punt from their end zone!" First of all, the guy had already turned around and was not defenseless and point 2, he wrapped him up with his arms.
3. Sullivan's phantom holding call on Gurley's 13-yard dash that had us in field goal range to take the lead. This call by ref's most likely took points off the board for us, and the lead. See Sullivan and Gurley's in the open field!
4. Point 4 is the Pat's scored a TD right after taking our lead away from the previous drive. Momentum would have been different at that time. Pats potentially do not score that TD.
5. Goff makes perfect pass to Cooks for TD and PI not called. Game would have been tied, and Rams would be in lead if #3 above did not occur.
6. Goff never throws a pick because we already scored our TD. Pats do not take ball back for another 3 points.
Those to me are the main turn arounds by the refs, but there are others.
1. Cooks clearly face masked. We should have been given a 1st down. See the play and Cooks's WTF response. Remember, the Pats were given 4 first downs by the refs, we only got 1.
2. Cooks makes a first down here or is a few inches short, but refs spot the ball 2 yards short, and we did not make it on 3rd and 2. Again, refs stopping our drives. See where he catches it and where they spot it.
3. Pats grab Goff's legs to lift him up and drill him into the ground. 15 yards. AD got away with one too, but the Pats hit our QB late and illegally many times, so I figured I would point this one out.
4. Pats blocking our receivers beyond 5 yards. Refs called ticky-tack plays on us, but not on Pats.
5. During a sack, Pats push Gurley in back. We could have been given a first down here instead of ending another drive.
Last, you see McVay's "WHAT??????" when we get a bogus call.
I know Rams did not play perfectly, and they got away with a few calls, but not many that I noticed. Am I wrong to think refs changed this game? They took 10 off the board for us, at least IMO and helped the Pats score some of theirs. I really think if this was fair, we would have won. This is the second time Pats stole a Super Bowl from us.