I dont know what to think about this if it ends up being true. I know you can point at the record and say they had to go, but damn, im so sick of starting over. These are really good guys that I wanted to succeed from day 1. We NEVER had negative controversy in the media. You see this drama pop up at different times for other teams with players and coaches saying and doing dumb things. The most controversial thing that came up was an NY reporter tweeting about Kroenke talking with Spags after the Giants loss. One more thing would be Dahl dropping the f-bomb lol. This is still something im very proud of with this team, and its CHARACTER. Anybody else read the reports about Santonio Holmes today? His teammates said he quit. These are the kind of issues we never had. The defensive players could have easily came out and ripped the offense and threw people under the bus, it never happened.