It all makes sense now.

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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Confront them with annihilation, and they will then survive;
plunge them into a deadly situation, and they will then live.
When people fall into danger, they are then able to strive for victory.
-- Sun Tzu

Apparently Jeff Fisher didn't want the league to take notice, and he didn't want his players to learn how to celebrate prematurely. His calm and cool demeanor on the sidelines during what appeared to be a straight up drubbing was all part of his master plan.

Humble. Stay humble. Learn how to deal with adversity and then you can drink from the chalice of victory.

I don't expect the Rams to win a single game during preseason (unless by mistake), and that's fine with me now that I've deciphered his tactics. Game plan? For what? For a preseason record that puts them in the black? Psh. Now the happy embrace at the end of the game with Chuck Pagano makes sense.

"Thanks for that, Chuck. You did us a favor, and you played right into my hands."


"Never mind. You'll understand when you get older. Good luck this year."

10-2 the last three years during the preseason were the Rams. That's a strategy that didn't work. You don't take the Steve Spurrier route and try to demolish your opponents in meaningless games. All that does is puff up the undeserving with pride and give your next 12 opponents (coaches) a blueprint to defeating you.

Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.
-- Also, Sun Tzu.

I hope this post doesn't circulate, because I don't want the other 12 coaches to catch on. But we, here, we should be encouraged by this game and every game afterwards that puts the Rams on the furthest away of the back burners.

Dismiss us.
Ridicule us.
Count us out.
Let the fire burn down.

From the ashes rises the Phoenix.


Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
You are right.

When Gotham needed saving from the hero it deserved, but not the one it needed, the Dark Knight rose.

When New York City was under attack from aliens on scooters, the Avengers came together as a team. The Rams will assemble.

When the Amazing Spider-Man got shot, but needed to save New York City by getting to Oscorp, the construction workers (fans) rallied together and got their cranes into a straight path for a boss Spidey to quickly get to it. Rams fans need to give the players cranes. The players need to web their wounds.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #3
Angry Ram said:
You are right.

When Gotham needed saving from the hero it deserved, but not the one it needed, the Dark Knight rose.

When New York City was under attack from aliens on scooters, the Avengers came together as a team. The Rams will assemble.
Yeah. There ya go.

I watched the Dark Knight today, and it was pretty awesome. The ending was cool too.
Nightwing is the next movie coming out in this series apparently.


And I saw a preview for a new Superman movie.
Hey, Hollywood. Enough with the Superman movies already.


May 28, 2011
Basically what I figure. Teams can march out and go 4-0 in the preseason and never learn a thing, only to get stomped when the games count. They can lose starters to injury and show everyone their playbook.

Lions went 4-0 in the preseason in 2008... And then went 0-16. At the start of week one everyone is 0-0. The preseason isn't about winning or losing. It's about what you learn. You learn more about yourself in a loss then you do in a win. This is what I take out of the game. Bradford looked pretty poised in the pocket. The offense moved well in the first quarter with Jackson in. The defense got a little wake up call, and the young guys got some experience and jitters out of their system.

And everyone walked onto the team bus the same way they walked off.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
X said:
Angry Ram said:
You are right.

When Gotham needed saving from the hero it deserved, but not the one it needed, the Dark Knight rose.

When New York City was under attack from aliens on scooters, the Avengers came together as a team. The Rams will assemble.
Yeah. There ya go.

I watched the Dark Knight today, and it was pretty awesome. The ending was cool too.
Nightwing is the next movie coming out in this series apparently.


And I saw a preview for a new Superman movie.
Hey, Hollywood. Enough with the Superman movies already.

Seriously? The end was just tryin 2 make all the nerds happy. Unless Blake ends up as Nightwing, not Robin. BTW the funniest part of the movie was when Gordon was on the ice and lit the fuse to reveal the bat symbol. Batman needed to DISARM A BOMB from BLOWING UP AN ENTIRE CITY, that was ON A TIMER. And he found the time to string together fuses connected and placed on top of a building to reveal a burning bat symbol. You know why, b/c he's fuckin Batman!

bluecoconuts said:
Basically what I figure. Teams can march out and go 4-0 in the preseason and never learn a thing, only to get stomped when the games count. They can lose starters to injury and show everyone their playbook.

Lions went 4-0 in the preseason in 2008... And then went 0-16. At the start of week one everyone is 0-0. The preseason isn't about winning or losing. It's about what you learn. You learn more about yourself in a loss then you do in a win. This is what I take out of the game. Bradford looked pretty poised in the pocket. The offense moved well in the first quarter with Jackson in. The defense got a little wake up call, and the young guys got some experience and jitters out of their system.

And everyone walked onto the team bus the same way they walked off.

Man I hope you are right. There was plenty of hype w/ a new attitude, especially w/ all the camp reports about the D. I want the team to come up w/ some of that patented Fisher attitude. Oh well, w/e nothing to get bent out of shape over.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #6
Angry Ram said:
Seriously? The end was just tryin 2 make all the nerds happy. Unless Blake ends up as Nightwing, not Robin. BTW the funniest part of the movie was when Gordon was on the ice and lit the fuse to reveal the bat symbol. Batman needed to DISARM A BOMB from BLOWING UP AN ENTIRE CITY, that was ON A TIMER. And he found the time to string together fuses connected and placed on top of a building to reveal a burning bat symbol. You know why, b/c he's fuckin Batman!
Well then I'm a nerd. Cuz it made me happy. :razzed:

And yeah on the Batman symbol in 100 foot flames.
He probably could have shaved about 20 minutes off of getting that bomb out over the bay if he avoided that step.


X said:
Angry Ram said:
Seriously? The end was just tryin 2 make all the nerds happy. Unless Blake ends up as Nightwing, not Robin. BTW the funniest part of the movie was when Gordon was on the ice and lit the fuse to reveal the bat symbol. Batman needed to DISARM A BOMB from BLOWING UP AN ENTIRE CITY, that was ON A TIMER. And he found the time to string together fuses connected and placed on top of a building to reveal a burning bat symbol. You know why, b/c he's freakin Batman!
Well then I'm a nerd. Cuz it made me happy. :razzed:

And yeah on the Batman symbol in 100 foot flames.
He probably could have shaved about 20 minutes off of getting that bomb out over the bay if he avoided that step.

Nolan and Abrams (Star Trek) are my favorite "huge plot holes" directors.

I could go on and on.

What about the last Dark Knight, where 2 ferries full of people are held hostage to bombs the Joker put there. So they all get on ferries to flee the city BECAUSE there are bomb threats, one checks the ferries for bombs? (?) did he get them on there? (?) There were huge drums of explosive liquid involved. How did they get there?

Another favorite as I said is the Abrams Star Trek. So this romulan sees romulus destroyed and then ends up back in time, whereupon he sits waiting 25 years for spock to show up so he can get revenge. Uh. Why didn't he just go warn romulus. (?) Instead of sitting there for 25 years in a Ahab-like revenge fret.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #8
zn said:
Another favorite as I said is the Abrams Star Trek. So this romulan sees romulus destroyed and then ends up back in time, whereupon he sits waiting 25 years for spock to show up so he can get revenge. Uh. Why didn't he just go warn romulus. (?) Instead of sitting there for 25 years in a Ahab-like revenge fret.

And that's all we need to know apparently. :sly:

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
X said:
Angry Ram said:
Seriously? The end was just tryin 2 make all the nerds happy. Unless Blake ends up as Nightwing, not Robin. BTW the funniest part of the movie was when Gordon was on the ice and lit the fuse to reveal the bat symbol. Batman needed to DISARM A BOMB from BLOWING UP AN ENTIRE CITY, that was ON A TIMER. And he found the time to string together fuses connected and placed on top of a building to reveal a burning bat symbol. You know why, b/c he's fuckin Batman!
Well then I'm a nerd. Cuz it made me happy. :razzed:

And yeah on the Batman symbol in 100 foot flames.
He probably could have shaved about 20 minutes off of getting that bomb out over the bay if he avoided that step.

Welcome 2 the club!

Flaming bat was still a geek-out moment, gotta admit.

zn said:
X said:
Angry Ram said:
Seriously? The end was just tryin 2 make all the nerds happy. Unless Blake ends up as Nightwing, not Robin. BTW the funniest part of the movie was when Gordon was on the ice and lit the fuse to reveal the bat symbol. Batman needed to DISARM A BOMB from BLOWING UP AN ENTIRE CITY, that was ON A TIMER. And he found the time to string together fuses connected and placed on top of a building to reveal a burning bat symbol. You know why, b/c he's freakin Batman!
Well then I'm a nerd. Cuz it made me happy. :razzed:

And yeah on the Batman symbol in 100 foot flames.
He probably could have shaved about 20 minutes off of getting that bomb out over the bay if he avoided that step.

Nolan and Abrams (Star Trek) are my favorite "huge plot holes" directors.

I could go on and on.

What about the last Dark Knight, where 2 ferries full of people are held hostage to bombs the Joker put there. So they all get on ferries to flee the city BECAUSE there are bomb threats, one checks the ferries for bombs? (?) did he get them on there? (?) There were huge drums of explosive liquid involved. How did they get there?

Well, how he got them was there is an easy explanation. Joker had his clown posse (not THAT one) to do the heavy lifting.

Even if they were checked for bombs, the ppl wouldn't know where to go. Stay in the city or on the ferry? Actually, if I remember didn't someone on the both boats go and check, finding the detonators?


Aug 23, 2010
Great thread! Love TDKR and looking forward to the new Superman. Heck, I pre-ordered the Avengers dvd online as soon as I got home from the theater opening night lol.

It wouldn't surprise me if that's a bit of Fish's approach; his '99 Titans team went 1-3 in the preseason and we all know how that season went.


Still celebrating Superbowl LVI
Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010
First off, I haven't seen the Dark Knight yet so shutty!! Secondly, as bad as that ass whooping was, I agree that we will learn a lot more from it than the colts will from the win. They straight up played that like it was their superbowl. I havent seen that much blitzing and creative offensive calling in a preseason game in.... Forever. Good for them. Luck will be a force in this league for sure. I hope I can eventually say the same for our QB.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Ah, now I get it. This Rams team is playing a little "ropey dope" like Ali, doing the ol " possum" belly up. doing the "limping back to the huddle" feign. I just hope they don't forget to pull that chunk of kryptonite out of Superman's ass at the end of the preseason. If not, they will look like a pack of geeks in the back corner of a fantasy novelty store playing Warhammer.

LETS GO RAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Faceplant said:
First off, I haven't seen the Dark Knight yet so shutty!! Secondly, as bad as that ass whooping was, I agree that we will learn a lot more from it than the colts will from the win. They straight up played that like it was their superbowl. I havent seen that much blitzing and creative offensive calling in a preseason game in.... Forever. Good for them. Luck will be a force in this league for sure. I hope I can eventually say the same for our QB.

Didn't spoil anything, the scene could've happened anywhere.

Even Antarctica. :hehe:

Remember last year the Rams trounced the Colts. Virtually the same team(s).


Angry Ram said:
X said:
Angry Ram said:
Seriously? The end was just tryin 2 make all the nerds happy. Unless Blake ends up as Nightwing, not Robin. BTW the funniest part of the movie was when Gordon was on the ice and lit the fuse to reveal the bat symbol. Batman needed to DISARM A BOMB from BLOWING UP AN ENTIRE CITY, that was ON A TIMER. And he found the time to string together fuses connected and placed on top of a building to reveal a burning bat symbol. You know why, b/c he's freakin Batman!
Well then I'm a nerd. Cuz it made me happy. :razzed:

And yeah on the Batman symbol in 100 foot flames.
He probably could have shaved about 20 minutes off of getting that bomb out over the bay if he avoided that step.

Welcome 2 the club!

Flaming bat was still a geek-out moment, gotta admit.

zn said:
X said:
Angry Ram said:
Seriously? The end was just tryin 2 make all the nerds happy. Unless Blake ends up as Nightwing, not Robin. BTW the funniest part of the movie was when Gordon was on the ice and lit the fuse to reveal the bat symbol. Batman needed to DISARM A BOMB from BLOWING UP AN ENTIRE CITY, that was ON A TIMER. And he found the time to string together fuses connected and placed on top of a building to reveal a burning bat symbol. You know why, b/c he's freakin Batman!
Well then I'm a nerd. Cuz it made me happy. :razzed:

And yeah on the Batman symbol in 100 foot flames.
He probably could have shaved about 20 minutes off of getting that bomb out over the bay if he avoided that step.

Nolan and Abrams (Star Trek) are my favorite "huge plot holes" directors.

I could go on and on.

What about the last Dark Knight, where 2 ferries full of people are held hostage to bombs the Joker put there. So they all get on ferries to flee the city BECAUSE there are bomb threats, one checks the ferries for bombs? (?) did he get them on there? (?) There were huge drums of explosive liquid involved. How did they get there?

Well, how he got them was there is an easy explanation. Joker had his clown posse (not THAT one) to do the heavy lifting.

Even if they were checked for bombs, the ppl wouldn't know where to go. Stay in the city or on the ferry? Actually, if I remember didn't someone on the both boats go and check, finding the detonators?

They were supposed to find the detonators and were prompted to do it.

So you own a ferry company and the ferries are being used to evacuate a city with heavy bomb threats. You don't send someone to check the boats? ("remember, guys...bomb threat!") does a clown posse manage to get dozens of large liquid container drums on the boats? "Hey we're here with dozens of suspicious looking drums, can we have access to the lowest deck of the boat?" "sure, mac, just don't bug me I'm watching jeopardy here." Don't get me started on Nolan. Or...more started. :cool: His movies are plot implausibility/plot convenience city. And I liked both Dark Knight movies. When I see Bruce Willis in a movie, who I like, I don't expect oscar worthy fine acting. When I see a Nolan movie, and I like the DK films, I expect the plot to be as implausible as a teenagers explanation for why she couldn't finish her homework.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
zn said:
Angry Ram said:
X said:
Angry Ram said:
Seriously? The end was just tryin 2 make all the nerds happy. Unless Blake ends up as Nightwing, not Robin. BTW the funniest part of the movie was when Gordon was on the ice and lit the fuse to reveal the bat symbol. Batman needed to DISARM A BOMB from BLOWING UP AN ENTIRE CITY, that was ON A TIMER. And he found the time to string together fuses connected and placed on top of a building to reveal a burning bat symbol. You know why, b/c he's freakin Batman!
Well then I'm a nerd. Cuz it made me happy. :razzed:

And yeah on the Batman symbol in 100 foot flames.
He probably could have shaved about 20 minutes off of getting that bomb out over the bay if he avoided that step.

Welcome 2 the club!

Flaming bat was still a geek-out moment, gotta admit.

zn said:
X said:
Angry Ram said:
Seriously? The end was just tryin 2 make all the nerds happy. Unless Blake ends up as Nightwing, not Robin. BTW the funniest part of the movie was when Gordon was on the ice and lit the fuse to reveal the bat symbol. Batman needed to DISARM A BOMB from BLOWING UP AN ENTIRE CITY, that was ON A TIMER. And he found the time to string together fuses connected and placed on top of a building to reveal a burning bat symbol. You know why, b/c he's freakin Batman!
Well then I'm a nerd. Cuz it made me happy. :razzed:

And yeah on the Batman symbol in 100 foot flames.
He probably could have shaved about 20 minutes off of getting that bomb out over the bay if he avoided that step.

Nolan and Abrams (Star Trek) are my favorite "huge plot holes" directors.

I could go on and on.

What about the last Dark Knight, where 2 ferries full of people are held hostage to bombs the Joker put there. So they all get on ferries to flee the city BECAUSE there are bomb threats, one checks the ferries for bombs? (?) did he get them on there? (?) There were huge drums of explosive liquid involved. How did they get there?

Well, how he got them was there is an easy explanation. Joker had his clown posse (not THAT one) to do the heavy lifting.

Even if they were checked for bombs, the ppl wouldn't know where to go. Stay in the city or on the ferry? Actually, if I remember didn't someone on the both boats go and check, finding the detonators?

They were supposed to find the detonators and were prompted to do it.

So you own a ferry company and the ferries are being used to evacuate a city with heavy bomb threats. You don't send someone to check the boats? ("remember, guys...bomb threat!") does a clown posse manage to get dozens of large liquid container drums on the boats? "Hey we're here with dozens of suspicious looking drums, can we have access to the lowest deck of the boat?" "sure, mac, just don't bug me I'm watching jeopardy here." Don't get me started on Nolan. Or...more started. :cool: His movies are plot implausibility/plot convenience city. And I liked both Dark Knight movies. When I see Bruce Willis in a movie, who I like, I don't expect oscar worthy fine acting. When I see a Nolan movie, and I like the DK films, I expect the plot to be as implausible as a teenagers explanation for why she couldn't finish her homework.

Dude, Joker's cronies would've just killed the crew. You saw how they were in the opening scene at the bank. And during the truck chase scene. And Joker himself when he made the pencil disappear.

I have to watch the movie again, but again I swear someone got sent down to check, and he brought back the detonators? If the city was set to blow, and eventually the boats, well then they were rats trapped in a maze.

I'm a Marvel fan tho, so it doesn't really bother me.


Nov 17, 2011
X said:
Confront them with annihilation, and they will then survive;
plunge them into a deadly situation, and they will then live.
When people fall into danger, they are then able to strive for victory.
-- Sun Tzu

Apparently Jeff Fisher didn't want the league to take notice, and he didn't want his players to learn how to celebrate prematurely. His calm and cool demeanor on the sidelines during what appeared to be a straight up drubbing was all part of his master plan.

Humble. Stay humble. Learn how to deal with adversity and then you can drink from the chalice of victory.

I don't expect the Rams to win a single game during preseason (unless by mistake), and that's fine with me now that I've deciphered his tactics. Game plan? For what? For a preseason record that puts them in the black? Psh. Now the happy embrace at the end of the game with Chuck Pagano makes sense.

"Thanks for that, Chuck. You did us a favor, and you played right into my hands."


"Never mind. You'll understand when you get older. Good luck this year."

10-2 the last three years during the preseason were the Rams. That's a strategy that didn't work. You don't take the Steve Spurrier route and try to demolish your opponents in meaningless games. All that does is puff up the undeserving with pride and give your next 12 opponents (coaches) a blueprint to defeating you.

Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.
-- Also, Sun Tzu.

I hope this post doesn't circulate, because I don't want the other 12 coaches to catch on. But we, here, we should be encouraged by this game and every game afterwards that puts the Rams on the furthest away of the back burners.

Dismiss us.
Ridicule us.
Count us out.
Let the fire burn down.

From the ashes rises the Phoenix.

Best post ever!


Sep 22, 2011
I must admit i LOL a bit..
Big fan of that guy and his art of war book.
Dynasty Warrior Geek FTW.


Inked Gym Rat Stoner
Jul 7, 2010
X said:
Confront them with annihilation, and they will then survive;
plunge them into a deadly situation, and they will then live.
When people fall into danger, they are then able to strive for victory.
-- Sun Tzu

Apparently Jeff Fisher didn't want the league to take notice, and he didn't want his players to learn how to celebrate prematurely. His calm and cool demeanor on the sidelines during what appeared to be a straight up drubbing was all part of his master plan.

Humble. Stay humble. Learn how to deal with adversity and then you can drink from the chalice of victory.

I don't expect the Rams to win a single game during preseason (unless by mistake), and that's fine with me now that I've deciphered his tactics. Game plan? For what? For a preseason record that puts them in the black? Psh. Now the happy embrace at the end of the game with Chuck Pagano makes sense.

"Thanks for that, Chuck. You did us a favor, and you played right into my hands."


"Never mind. You'll understand when you get older. Good luck this year."

10-2 the last three years during the preseason were the Rams. That's a strategy that didn't work. You don't take the Steve Spurrier route and try to demolish your opponents in meaningless games. All that does is puff up the undeserving with pride and give your next 12 opponents (coaches) a blueprint to defeating you.

Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.
-- Also, Sun Tzu.

I hope this post doesn't circulate, because I don't want the other 12 coaches to catch on. But we, here, we should be encouraged by this game and every game afterwards that puts the Rams on the furthest away of the back burners.

Dismiss us.
Ridicule us.
Count us out.
Let the fire burn down.

From the ashes rises the Phoenix.


Rage Against the Machine-People of the Sun :bangin:


Angry Ram said:
zn said:
Angry Ram said:
X said:
Angry Ram said:
Seriously? The end was just tryin 2 make all the nerds happy. Unless Blake ends up as Nightwing, not Robin. BTW the funniest part of the movie was when Gordon was on the ice and lit the fuse to reveal the bat symbol. Batman needed to DISARM A BOMB from BLOWING UP AN ENTIRE CITY, that was ON A TIMER. And he found the time to string together fuses connected and placed on top of a building to reveal a burning bat symbol. You know why, b/c he's freakin Batman!
Well then I'm a nerd. Cuz it made me happy. :razzed:

And yeah on the Batman symbol in 100 foot flames.
He probably could have shaved about 20 minutes off of getting that bomb out over the bay if he avoided that step.

Welcome 2 the club!

Flaming bat was still a geek-out moment, gotta admit.

zn said:
X said:
Angry Ram said:
Seriously? The end was just tryin 2 make all the nerds happy. Unless Blake ends up as Nightwing, not Robin. BTW the funniest part of the movie was when Gordon was on the ice and lit the fuse to reveal the bat symbol. Batman needed to DISARM A BOMB from BLOWING UP AN ENTIRE CITY, that was ON A TIMER. And he found the time to string together fuses connected and placed on top of a building to reveal a burning bat symbol. You know why, b/c he's freakin Batman!
Well then I'm a nerd. Cuz it made me happy. :razzed:

And yeah on the Batman symbol in 100 foot flames.
He probably could have shaved about 20 minutes off of getting that bomb out over the bay if he avoided that step.

Nolan and Abrams (Star Trek) are my favorite "huge plot holes" directors.

I could go on and on.

What about the last Dark Knight, where 2 ferries full of people are held hostage to bombs the Joker put there. So they all get on ferries to flee the city BECAUSE there are bomb threats, one checks the ferries for bombs? (?) did he get them on there? (?) There were huge drums of explosive liquid involved. How did they get there?

Well, how he got them was there is an easy explanation. Joker had his clown posse (not THAT one) to do the heavy lifting.

Even if they were checked for bombs, the ppl wouldn't know where to go. Stay in the city or on the ferry? Actually, if I remember didn't someone on the both boats go and check, finding the detonators?

They were supposed to find the detonators and were prompted to do it.

So you own a ferry company and the ferries are being used to evacuate a city with heavy bomb threats. You don't send someone to check the boats? ("remember, guys...bomb threat!") does a clown posse manage to get dozens of large liquid container drums on the boats? "Hey we're here with dozens of suspicious looking drums, can we have access to the lowest deck of the boat?" "sure, mac, just don't bug me I'm watching jeopardy here." Don't get me started on Nolan. Or...more started. :cool: His movies are plot implausibility/plot convenience city. And I liked both Dark Knight movies. When I see Bruce Willis in a movie, who I like, I don't expect oscar worthy fine acting. When I see a Nolan movie, and I like the DK films, I expect the plot to be as implausible as a teenagers explanation for why she couldn't finish her homework.

Dude, Joker's cronies would've just killed the crew. You saw how they were in the opening scene at the bank. And during the truck chase scene. And Joker himself when he made the pencil disappear.

I have to watch the movie again, but again I swear someone got sent down to check, and he brought back the detonators? If the city was set to blow, and eventually the boats, well then they were rats trapped in a maze.

I'm a Marvel fan tho, so it doesn't really bother me.

Well, since so much depends upon this deep debate, I have no choice but to continue.

Do you get on a ferry to escape a bomb threatened city if someone has killed the crew? "hey dead crew." "Oh. Well that happens. Get the other crew."

Someone was prompted to find the detonators by the Joker because that was part of the plan. Each ship could survive if it blew the other up.

[The Joker has rigged two ferries to explode, one filled with prison inmates, one with ordinary people, giving each ferry one detonator and telling them they have to blow up the other, or he'll blow up both. A prisoner approaches the warden, who's holding the detonator]
Tattooed Prisoner: You don't want to die, but you don't know how to take a life. Give it to me; these men would kill you, and take it anyway. Give it to me. You can tell 'em I took it by force. Give it to me, and I'll do what you shoulda did ten minutes ago.

I'm just sayin, if you crowd a ferry to escape a bomb threat, check for bombs...before you leave the dock.

Anyway, it's Nolan. His plots are just papered over with "don't think about it too hard" moments like that.

And granted it's a comic book movie and we're supposed to let certain things go (like, in a realistic film, the FBI would figure out who batman was within half an hour).




May 28, 2011
In real life billionaires aren't masters of hand to hand combat and decide to fight crime, but that's part of why it's a movie. :ww: