I guess the pats did learn their lesson

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Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Man talk about winning a thread on the first post :rofl:

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
quebecramfan said:
That when you have some incriminating video evidence you should destroy it.


Kraft / Goodell 101 Course .... taught be B-Cheat

Good Stuff Quebec :lmao:


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Aaron Hernandez's Unsavory Past Has No Bearing on His Unsavory Present
By Justin Peters
Posted Friday, June 21, 2013, at 1:35 PM
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.slate.com/blogs/crime/2013/06/21/aaron_hernandez_the_patriots_tight_end_s_unsavory_past_has_no_bearing_on.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.slate.com/blogs/crime/2013/0 ... ng_on.html</a>

It’s been a rough week for New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez. He may or may not be implicated in a murder investigation. He may or may not be facing a warrant for his arrest. He may or may not have shot a man in the face this February. Nobody really knows what’s going on. Nobody, that is, except for the self-righteous media types who’ve suggested that we should’ve seen it coming all along, whatever it turns out to be.

Today, the Boston Globe ran an aggravating piece headlined “Aaron Hernandez’s scouting report was ominous.” The story details several unsavory aspects of Hernandez’s past: “The marijuana use, the short fuse, the shadowy friends from his Connecticut hometown.” Earlier this week, Sports Illustrated ran a similar story, reporting that, in 2010, Hernandez slipped to the fourth round of the NFL Draft because many teams had “marijuana use and gang concerns.” The implication of these stories is obvious: Hernandez’s pals and weed smoking should have tipped us off that one day he’d be in real trouble.

These stories are Monday morning quarterbacking of the worst sort
. Hernandez’s alleged pre-draft character issues have no bearing on this current murder investigation. You can’t legitimately look back at them and say, “Yep, we should have known.” Every single NFL roster is stacked with players who’ve used drugs in the past, or have short tempers or “shadowy friends.” And you know what? Every single neighborhood in America is filled with people with these exact same characteristics. That doesn’t make all of these people murderers-in-waiting.

It is dishonest and irrelevant to claim that these are “ominous” signs. Or, at least, they’re no more ominous than the character flaws exhibited by other Patriots players: like Rob Gronkowski, who appears to really, really, really enjoy drinking to excess; Tom Brady, who started dating Gisele Bundchen while Bridget Moynahan was pregnant with his child; Vince Wilfork, who allegedly received $50,000 in under-the-table benefits from disgraced booster Nevin Shapiro while enrolled at the University of Miami; Mark Harrison, who allegedly trashed a hotel room while attending the NFL Scouting Combine (“The mess included urine and feces left throughout the bathroom, toothpaste on the mirror and garbage left throughout the room”); Brandon Spikes, who attempted to gouge an opponent’s eyes while playing at Florida, and whose brother is serving a life sentence for murder; and Sebastian Vollmer, who is from Germany. The list goes on.

If sportswriters are going to disparage Hernandez based on shady insinuations about his past, then they should get a head start on criticizing a large swath of the NFL. Not every pro football player is a bad guy, and not everyone in the NFL is a saint. What’s ludicrous is pretending, based on old anecdotes and lukewarm accusations, that you can tell who’s a ticking time bomb—a guy who could have been defused if only we had recognized the signs.


Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
Stranger said:
and Sebastian Vollmer, who is from Germany. The list goes on.

Im confused, is originating from Germany an ominous sign or character flaw?

Scout #1 - "man that guy looks good, who is he?"

Scout #2 - " don't bother, hes from Germany"

Scout #1 - "Oh damn, talk about a head case!!!"


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Tron said:
Stranger said:
and Sebastian Vollmer, who is from Germany. The list goes on.

Im confused, is originating from Germany an ominous sign or character flaw?

Scout #1 - "man that guy looks good, who is he?"

Scout #2 - " don't bother, hes from Germany"

Scout #1 - "Oh damn, talk about a head case!!!"

WTF is up with THAT? Are all Germans Hitlers in waiting? Oh wait... he wasn't German. Seriously - what in the HELL does being from Germany have to do with... hey... I'M German! Shit! I better stay away from sharp objects.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
quebecramfan said:
That when you have some incriminating video evidence you should destroy it.


:sly: :sly: :sly:


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Didn't see any skeletons in any of those closets ,gonna be a REAL skeleton here SOON.
Ya had to know this article was coming the wait until a few people jump on the bandwagon and then trash all the "premature ejac-, er convictors".

There's a dead guy, clearly Hernandez was co-operative in the destruction of the surveilance hard drive, he rented the deathmobile , nah ,I am not backin down here ,if he din't doit ,he needs to finger the perp or F him.


Hall of Fame
Sep 22, 2012
<a class="postlink" href="http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/06/23/search-yields-apparent-evidence-bags-from-hernandezs-home/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/20 ... dezs-home/</a>
Search yields apparent “evidence bags” from Hernandez’s home
When police showed up at the home of Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez on Saturday, one possibility became that the authorities were executing the reported “paper” warrant for his arrest on obstruction of justice charges. It quickly became obvious that there were too many cops for something that simple.

As explained by the Boston Herald, the authorities engaged in a multi-hour search of the Hernandez property, scouring the house, cars, and even a “playhouse” (which some reporters described as a doghouse) on the lawn.

The search included multiple K-9 units and a locksmith. Per the Herald, police left with what appeared to be multiple evidence bags. FOX 25 in Boston described them as large brown bags, pegging the amount at “several.”

More than a dozen state police officers were on the Hernandez property for roughly four total hours.

The search arises from the murder of 27-year-old Odin Lloyd. Video evidence reportedly shows Lloyd and Hernandez together last Sunday night/Monday morning. On Monday afternoon, Lloyd’s body was found in an industrial park close to the Hernandez home.

Police reportedly believe Hernandez destroyed his cell phone and his surveillance system, which has led to reports he’ll be charged at a minimum with obstructing justice in a murder probe.

The NFL and the Patriots have remained quiet on the matter. Hernandez went to the team facility on Thursday, but he was asked to leave, reportedly due to concerns that his presence would spark a “media stakeout” at Patriots headquarters.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
[textarea]The search arises from the murder of 27-year-old Odin Lloyd. Video evidence reportedly shows Lloyd and Hernandez together last Sunday night/Monday morning. On Monday afternoon, Lloyd’s body was found in an industrial park close to the Hernandez home.

Police reportedly believe Hernandez destroyed his cell phone and his surveillance system, which has led to reports he’ll be charged at a minimum with obstructing justice in a murder probe.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck....


Van Jefferson’s #1 fan
Jul 27, 2010
RamFan503 said:
Tron said:
Stranger said:
and Sebastian Vollmer, who is from Germany. The list goes on.

Im confused, is originating from Germany an ominous sign or character flaw?

Scout #1 - "man that guy looks good, who is he?"

Scout #2 - " don't bother, hes from Germany"

Scout #1 - "Oh damn, talk about a head case!!!"

WTF is up with THAT? Are all Germans Hitlers in waiting? Oh wait... he wasn't German. Seriously - what in the HELL does being from Germany have to do with... hey... I'M German! shyte! I better stay away from sharp objects.

They let Germs join this board? Sorry X, you lost my support.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
HitStick said:
RamFan503 said:
Tron said:
Stranger said:
and Sebastian Vollmer, who is from Germany. The list goes on.

Im confused, is originating from Germany an ominous sign or character flaw?

Scout #1 - "man that guy looks good, who is he?"

Scout #2 - " don't bother, hes from Germany"

Scout #1 - "Oh damn, talk about a head case!!!"

WTF is up with THAT? Are all Germans Hitlers in waiting? Oh wait... he wasn't German. Seriously - what in the HELL does being from Germany have to do with... hey... I'M German! shyte! I better stay away from sharp objects.

They let Germs join this board? Sorry X, you lost my support.

Heil! I mean Hey!


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
RamFan503 said:
Thordaddy said:
RamFan503 said:
X said:
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck....

It's a patsy?

It's a duck, or wants you to think it is.

Friggin' duck wannabees :roll:

So lemme get this straight. Hernandez is a duck wannabe? :what:
Why else would he have all those tats ?
Wear a hoodie?
Hang with ducks?

Funny how that goes all the rappers wannabee jocks all the jocks wannabee rappers, all the dealers wannabee one or the other.

Me? "I am who I pretend to be".
GOD I wish Gallagher hadn't said that before me