I turned the Big 5-0 exactly a month ago today. I was down in the Keys for a few weeks and I had no idea that some of my friends were going to show up and surprise me. Several days into our trip... the wife and I came back to the house from fishing and this is the huge banner I see hanging from the ceiling. I don't even notice my mug shot or the Ram helmet on the banner... I just yell to my wife - "Someone has been in the house!".
Soon after that my friends come running out of the back bedrooms and surprise me. The crazy thing was not just that they all came down and I didn't have any idea... the crazy thing was that they were all wearing Ram hats as they surprised me. One of them is a whiner fan from San Fran,,, I told him that I would never wear a whiner anything and that I was very impressed.
I thought that the surprises were over, but I was wrong. Two days later I wake up to everyone over at the house and they are all wearing these crazy salmon colored shirts (one for me too). We all went to Key West and partied all day and into the night wearing these things.
@Ramrasta is on the far left.
I'll post a pic of the back of these shirts next... which is Ram funny as hell. The story behind it is a result of this site.