Here's the shot of the back of those shirts... Story about it underneath.....
So I'm thinking it was at least 5 or 6 years ago when this happened. My wife and I were down in Naples visiting the couple on the far righthand side of the group pic in the OP. Since I was going to be down there... I decided to see if our own
@LesBaker would like to meet up with us somewhere one night at a local bar. I knew Les lived down there from here on the site... so I thought what the hell.
I tell my buddy about this. He can't believe that I'm going to meet some guy off a fan message board. Now it should be pointed out... he's from San Fran and he loves the whiners. Plus, he was a MLB pitcher for 10 years (Goff's Dad was his catcher when he was in the minors btw).... those guys are professionals at calling you out on crap,,, that's all they do out in the bullpens. Anyway... he wasn't going to miss out on my meeting of Les for anything. He only came out to the bar with some of us because he had to see this with his own eyes.
I'm going to try and make this short. I had on a salmon colored shirt that night that we met Les. The next day... my buddy and his wife take my wife and I out on a bar hopping booze cruise in their boat up and down the Naples area waterways. At every single place we went... my "friend" has to announce what he witnessed the night before to everyone. Here's basically what he told multitudes of people that day....
"Last night... Jorge went out on a blind date with some dude he met on the internet. The guy's name who he went to meet goes by the name RAM FAN 69. And by the way,,, Jorge made sure to wear a salmon colored shirt for his date."
That's why the shirts are supposed to be salmon colored and say RAM FAN 69 on the back.
I took a load of crap up and down Duval St in most of the bars for being a Ram Fan. I wore that crap proudly though.