Hyperloop: 0 to 400 mph in two seconds

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Feb 9, 2014
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0 to 400 mph in two seconds: Welcome to the age of hyperloop
Marco della Cava, USA TODAY

LAS VEGAS – The co-founders of a start-up aiming to upend earthbound transportation say they've had their Kitty Hawk moment.

Hyperloop One successfully demonstrated Wednesday one key part of how it plans to send people and cargo racing through cushioned tubes at nearly the speed of sound. This transportation alternative, its backers claim, could reduce the journey between Los Angeles and San Francisco to just 30 minutes.

“We are standing on hallowed ground for us,” said Shervin Pishevar, cofounder of Los Angeles-based Hyperloop One, which is among a few companies focused on the hyperloop technology.

What the gaggle of investors and journalists saw from metal risers planted in the desert north of Las Vegas was a lot more rudimentary than artists' rendering of the future, however.

Instead it was more a proof of concept, much like those first airborne moments shared by the Wright Brothers in their airplane.

A bare-metal sled — not a tube — rocketed down a track, with the sled elevated slightly by magnetic levitation technology. It accelerated at 2 g-force before hitting a patch of sand 100 yards down the line.

The total test was just two seconds. But it was enough, Hyperloop One's founders said, to show that technology similar to that used in high-speed maglev trains could be deployed more cheaply, without the steep cost of high-tech trains and rails.

"This is about validating the hardware and software,” said Hyperloop One cofounder and chief technology officer Brogan BamBrogan. “We’re aiming to hit 400 mph in two seconds.

"And by the end of the year hopefully we’ll have a full test, with the sled in a tube accelerating with our custom propulsion.”

That test will also take place here. The team is aiming to build a 3-mile track that will feature tubes elevated above ground by pylons. “This is where hyperloop is getting invented,” said BamBrogan.

BamBrogan noted that humans in a hyperloop pod wouldn’t feel the acceleration as it would happen more gradually, eventually hitting close to 750 mph.


Hyperloop Transportation Technologies has announced that is licensing tech that would allow high-speed transportation at lower than anticipated costs when compared to existing magnetic transportation tech.(Photo: Hyperloop Transportation Technologies)

In Los Angeles, the company is testing various levitation methods, based on passive magnetic levitation technology, a version of which is currently in use on high speed maglev trains in Europe and Asia.

"We think we can move cargo by 2019 and passengers by 2021, if we can replicate the kind of support we've gotten here from the county and city of North Las Vegas," said CEO Rob Lloyd.

Indeed, Hyperloop One executives were eager to liken the new mode of transportation to the building of the Transcontinental Railroad in the 19th-century and the race to the moon in the 1960s. But in the former case, development was spurred by a sense of manifest destiny and limitless land. In the latter, a nation's resources fueled the rocket project.

Today, companies such as Hyperloop One and Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, both based in Los Angeles, face hurdles that include land use rights and existing transportation players — train and truck companies — that are financially invested in keeping the status quo.

Hyperloop pioneers counter that their technology will eventually win out due to lower costs (once a hyperloop pod is underway it can sustain its speed with very low energy use) while producing no carbon emissions (a critical element in global warming).

Hyperloop One announced Tuesday that it had secured $80 million in Series B funding to continue its research and development testing, bringing the company's total to nearly $120 million.

The idea for hyperloop first gained momentum in 2013, when SpaceX and Tesla CEOElon Musk first posited the notion of using magnetic levitation technology to zip travelers between cities hundreds of miles apart at a speed greater than airplane travel. SpaceX is sponsoring a competition to source tech solutions for hyperloop, but will not build a company around the innovation.

Pishevar recounted meeting with Musk, a friend, and asking if he could pursue the tech's commercial potential.

Musk's response? "He said sure, because he was too busy trying to get to Mars anyway," said Pishevar with a laugh.


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
I saw a story on this which stated that the sled was stopped by a pile of sand because they havent work out a braking system yet....

Do ya think they should have thought of that sooner? LOL


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Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
also... almost all the modern day roller coasters use the "magnetic technology" to propel the coasters along the ride to make it more thrilling for the riders at points where the coaster would normally lose speed. They also use the magentic technology to stop the coasters...just sayin


Jun 4, 2013
also... almost all the modern day roller coasters use the "magnetic technology" to propel the coasters along the ride to make it more thrilling for the riders at points where the coaster would normally lose speed. They also use the magentic technology to stop the coasters...just sayin

I thought they used mechanics still to stop the sled...maybe that is just redundancy. There's no reason they couldn't use maglev though.

When I'm in line I study these things. I once spotted a missing cotter pin on a wheel hub and they agreed, it was missing, and pulled the cart for repairs.

So, not blowing my horn, but I predicted very high speed maglev tubes in the 80s. It makes so much sense. There are also plenty enough abandoned train tracks for the infrastructure. The technology is totally proven. Tubes would be safe as long as they are somewhat flexible for earthquakes, impacts from whatever, etc.

Fun fact: The Navy now has railguns due to this technology. Mach 4 in the distance of a barrel with a 200 mile range at a tiny fraction of a missile cost.
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