How Long Will the Fab 4 Stay Together?

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How long will the Fab 4 stay together?

  • 2023 is the farewell tour. Enjoy it while it lasts!

    Votes: 12 24.0%
  • It’s a two year run, then done.

    Votes: 26 52.0%
  • Like the Rolling Stones and The Who, they’ll just keep playing until they can’t.

    Votes: 12 24.0%

  • Total voters


Benevolent Troublemaker
May 9, 2018
Matthew Stafford
Cooper Kupp
Aaron Donald
Sean McVay

How long will this Fab 4 stay together?


Damn the torpedoes
Rams On Demand Sponsor
ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
I suspect AD will punch out the moment his game slides a noticeable amount. Just a feel I get from the guy. His standards are that high I think, so when that is who knows. But him being a smaller dude on that DL who has to work harder than everyone else in the run game I'd imagine he probably goes in a couple years. Hopefully we have him longer but I'm mentally prepared for him to retire at any time, where I'm just enjoying him while he's with us.

And Stafford has hard miles on him. The dude has taken a beating over his career. I worry about him in the same way, to the point where I suspect if they had not paid him that contract they would have flipped the QB position this offseason. But there is no doubt that when he's healthy and locked in he can elevate the offense around him, so I would love to see him get another ring with us and maybe this time we do it with a little less drama and roll to an easy win in the big game. I can dream right.

This season is going to factor in big time in how things go in the future. If they tank hard and finish with a poor record they're gonna draft a QB up high. Also I think we see some changeover in the front office if that happens, and maybe even with a record that puts us middle of the pack. Not saying it's gonna be fair, but in that scenario someone will eat the blame and it will probably be Snead. Or another way to look at it is even though McVay shares in that blame he is the guy they prioritize keeping.

But if they win enough games to threaten for wildcard or better then I think they go forward with the current front office and Stafford remains in place. I am of course hoping for this. Basically for me it's "wildcard or bust." Either win the wildcard or fuck this season up right and get one of those QBs, though I don't think it's possible for McVay to lose that many games. He is too good at what he does, even with his warts that I complain about like his RB decision making.


Hall of Fame
Jun 20, 2014
I’m fairly optimistic here.

I like Stafford for at least 2 more years. For one thing I think our ‘new’ OL can and will protect him well. After 2024 I think it might be year-to-year for him.

AD? The normal age rules just don’t apply. He’s a freak and his conditioning and competitiveness is superhuman. IOW, impossible to predict although I do think Rams must be competitive if they want to keep him around.

Kupp? Who knows? I’m thinking at least 5 more good years.

McVay? What better situation for a young HC in the entire NFL? Coaching is his life and Kroenke will see to it that money for his contract will never be a barrier. That TV booth will be waiting for as long as it takes so McVay can enjoy his first love until he gets damned good and ready to move upstairs. He is without question the most valuable single piece in this whole Rams organization. And he’s only 36!


Hall of Fame
Jun 1, 2015
I'm just hoping these 4 stay together through 2024, anything beyond that is gravy IMHO.

Biggest threat to retire is Donald, I think.

Stafford has health concerns, and McVay has the big $ of an announcing job waiting when he decides to "take a break" from coaching.

I think the 4 stay together for 2 more years. Then AD will retire after they win their 2nd Lombardi after the 2024 season. :sunglasses:


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I think it’s nearly a lock at least 2 more seasons.


AD turns 32 in two days. I agree with @Merlin he’s probably a “standards” kind of guy and goes when he feels he’s slipping. But 2 years in his condition feels a safe bet. I could see 3 if he stays healthy and feels good.


Kupp turns 30 in June. So much of his game is technique, which won’t slip with age… so it’s health that will determine the length of runway remaining in his career. He’s another one of those cases where 2yrs seems a given.

We often see more pics of Donald’s freakish workouts, but Kupp is an elite trainer too. If healthy he should be solid for a while.


Stafford feels like a high miles QB, and he is 35… but I can’t help but wonder if we are over exaggerating his demise from last years injury?

10 of his last 12yrs he’s played every game. He’s no China doll. Lions fans probably know this better than we do.

I do wish he’d “go through a midlife crisis” and have one of those offseasons that he freakishly hits the gym to beef up for his final years as an older player.

Stafford doesn’t strike me as the Brady type, nor do I believe his wife wants that. He feels like 2yrs and done, to me. Stafford will do well in retirement. He seems like a guy that will be comfortable transitioning into that new life phase.

All that said, tacking on a 3rd year with him feels doable too if 2024 is a SB run. But he’d be 38 then, and that feels “stretchy”.


After this last offseason, I guess we should be prepared for anything… but I think it’s possible the opposite happens and he’ll take us into the next generation of QB post Stafford era.

McVay at least 5 more years! :biggrin:


Hall of Fame
Aug 3, 2013
Oh, that old Al Green song is ringing in my ears!!

Let's stay together. When times are good or bad or happy or sad!!!!
Last edited:


Benevolent Troublemaker
May 9, 2018
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If the Rams are loading up for a championship run, that’s one reason for AD to play in 2024.

His contract provides 35,000,000 additional reasons.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 28, 2017
I think it’s nearly a lock at least 2 more seasons.


AD turns 32 in two days. I agree with @Merlin he’s probably a “standards” kind of guy and goes when he feels he’s slipping. But 2 years in his condition feels a safe bet. I could see 3 if he stays healthy and feels good.


Kupp turns 30 in June. So much of his game is technique, which won’t slip with age… so it’s health that will determine the length of runway remaining in his career. He’s another one of those cases where 2yrs seems a given.

We often see more pics of Donald’s freakish workouts, but Kupp is an elite trainer too. If healthy he should be solid for a while.


Stafford feels like a high miles QB, and he is 35… but I can’t help but wonder if we are over exaggerating his demise from last years injury?

10 of his last 12yrs he’s played every game. He’s no China doll. Lions fans probably know this better than we do.

I do wish he’d “go through a midlife crisis” and have one of those offseasons that he freakishly hits the gym to beef up for his final years as an older player.

Stafford doesn’t strike me as the Brady type, nor do I believe his wife wants that. He feels like 2yrs and done, to me. Stafford will do well in retirement. He seems like a guy that will be comfortable transitioning into that new life phase.

All that said, tacking on a 3rd year with him feels doable too if 2024 is a SB run. But he’d be 38 then, and that feels “stretchy”.


After this last offseason, I guess we should be prepared for anything… but I think it’s possible the opposite happens and he’ll take us into the next generation of QB post Stafford era.

McVay at least 5 more years! :biggrin:
A little off topic here, but does anyone think it would be easier listening to Stafford commentate a game as opposed to McVay? At least from strictly a voice perspective? Matt’s speaking voice is very smooth.


Hall of Fame
Sep 10, 2016
Short answer 2 years. Stafford 1st to go. Then AD, Kupp and McVay will be the last.
First off, I don't think there was a chance in hell AD was going to retire. If the team is competing for SBs he will play 3 more years.
Kupp, loves this game and will play till his legs fall off. At least 5 more years.
Stafford also loves this game and if the line protects him and he doesn't get his bell rung he could play 3 more years. More likely 2.
McVay had to deal with complete and total failure last year. The first time in his professional life time and had to take a step back and reassess. To remember that he loved the game for the game not just the goal. I think he won't forget that again and will be the head coach here untill his young family gets a little older and he and his wife feel they need him more. At least 5 more years.


Mar 15, 2018
McVays retirement is based on achievement: I think McVay stays until he’s proven he can rebuild the Rams into another championship team. I could see him retiring after he gets to another SB. Especially if he wins another one.

Stafford, Donald, Kupp retirements are based on their level of play: Each could retire after a season where they feel their level of play has diminished because of a lessening of ability (vs injury).


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013



Damn the torpedoes
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ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
As much as I love McVay I must say that I am goddamn tired of hearing about him wanting to retire. Much of that is probably the media hating that the Rams have such a great coach. But he was actually considering it the past couple offseasons so it's not all made up. And honestly if this is going to be an annual thing maybe it's best for Stan to go make his next hire.

I mean we're all traumatized by the previous shit hires by the Rams of years past but if you look just at Stan's hires he's done exceptionally well as owner. Fisher was a good hire to steward the team through the move from STL, and he was the best guy on the market that year. Then McVay's hire Stan showed enormous balls in taking a flyer on a young kid when they still had not sat down with Ratboy who was the consensus top option that year.

So if we need to reload at head coach it would suck, because I'm an enormous fan of McVay. But if we hit this next offseason and he's moping around considering leaving I think I'd make the decision for him if I'm Stan.


Mar 17, 2014
I concur besides Kupp all will be gone by 2025 and Lincoln Riley will be the Los Angeles Rams Head Coach.
Bennett will be out of the league by then and the hot coaching candidate to become our next head coach.


Here we f’n go, baby!
Sep 7, 2014
I concur besides Kupp all will be gone by 2025 and Lincoln Riley will be the Los Angeles Rams Head Coach.
Shit, I cannot explain how badly I hope you’re wrong.

I want no part of USCOK Riley…no,no,no,no!