I knew I'd find you in here...stirring it up. LOLOL
Much like Michael Floyd, until our roster is talented enough to compete with the Seahawks, Cardinals, and 9ers, we should leave NO STONE UNTURNED...
I help coach on a girls softball team....and the HC is always talking about taking kids from good families....this that and a third...:blah: ...I always tell him, if Charles Manson had a 10 year old girl, that could hit 3rd in the batting order, I'm taking her too.....Hey, that's just me...:mrburnsevil:
DGB is a matchup NIGHTMARE

ball:....no reason to not kick the tires...until our roster is stronger..
BTW, where is that 53 man roster thread? I got something to put in there....think it was started by...was it jrry or jake?