As I posted previously, in the Town Hall thread, I am leaving, too. I could never cheer for a team whose owner behaved like Mr. Stain Kroenke just did.
I have lots of Rams' gear, I lived for each game, I don't think I've missed more than 2 or 3 in the past 20 years (watching or listening; I only got to go to 1 or 2 each year in person), and I love most of the posters on this forum, which is the best Rams' site on the web.
But I am absolutely through with the NFL except for hoping that each week the Cheatriots lose to whomever they are playing and hoping that within 5 years, when all the 'new' has worn off Inglewood, that the Rams are playing to a 10% crowd in Inglewood, and then that a big earthquake strikes before Stain has recouped any of his investment and crashes the entire 'development' into dust (without hurting a living soul, by the way).
I further hope that the NFL's market continues to erode and that average fans like myself start deserting in droves and realize that, yes, there IS a life -- a GOOD LIFE -- without the NFL.
I wish all of you who continue to follow the Rams lots of excitement as the same ol', same ol' coach tries to win more games than he loses, for once. But then maybe he was INSTRUCTED to lose games? Just to keep the fans away?
Nothing would surprise me in the world of collusion, intrigue and downright unfairness that is the NFL in general and the Rams in particular.
Good luck in all that you do! Just not much good luck to the Rams. (I hope you understand why I feel this way).