All you have to do is look at the pressure percentage and compare it to others. Goff was pressured on an inordinate number of snaps. When you get pressured consistently, it affects how you play without pressure.
I'm not concerned about Goff. He's the future of this franchise. I'm just glad that the internet will archive all the haters.
Also, the article doesn't take into account the per game OL ratings. The OL may have basically been the same, but their play while Goff was in degenerated substantially. So, even on plays where there wasn't pressure, however that's measured, he still had issues. I mean, seriously, I'm willing to hold the young man to account, but c'mon. How many snaps did he take where he had a clean pocket like Brady or Roethlisberger? "without pressure" isn't the same as a clean pocket and Goff almost never had one of those.
Couple that with a disastrously bad offensive game plan and you had a rookie QB coming from a spread offense who had no clue what to do, where to go or why... and neither did his receivers only compounding the problem.
The good news is that talent isn't the issue and I have tons of confidence in BOTH Goff and Mannion (enough that I don't think they carry 3 QBs into the season).
McVay just seems ready for the job.
I relate to this personally. When I was like 11 years old, I swear I had a Big Fish moment where everything stopped at my Little League game and I just looked around, looked at all the parents and adults contributing to their sons and I KNEW that my purpose in life was to be a good father. When I became a father at 23, I was confident and ready. Some guys just aren't and that's not a bad thing, it Some guys will readily acknowledge that if they'd been fathers early in life, it would have been bad. And that's fine. I was ready.
McVay is ready. His demeanor is pitch perfect. He knows he doesn't know it all and that no one ever will. He operates from a position of team building, both in the literal and organizational sense. He has expectations that are professional and empowering because guys know where they stand with him. If a guy shows up, he plays. If he doesn't, he's sat or gone. And it's not Thunderdome, he's making sure each player is put in a position to succeed, which makes him into an ally for each player.
That's powerful stuff.
My only quibble is that while I have full faith and confidence in Goff, we just don't know (anyone can go back and look at my posts since he was drafted. I said he was a mistake only in the context that I thought Fisher, sadly, was going to be around for awhile and there was no way he would improve Goff, which was all true. But with another coach, I would have chosen Goff easily). All that said, Goff is still an unknown at the pro level. Yeah, he basically failed in his first year, but anyone who knows anything about last year realizes that if ever a mulligan should be granted, it's for Goff and last year.
Which means Goff is unproven. That's not a bad thing or criticism, it's just what is. And unproven is unpredictable. So...I
think Goff is gonna be great, but we'll see. My focus is on the team, not any one particular player.