What reporters have to remember is that the Rams, from top to bottom (with a few exceptions) imploded last year, the coaching staff were terrible, the OCs were unqualified and inexperienced and it showed. So, no, I'm not worrying about last season any more - and numbers and stats don't bother me about last season either. It was a shit year, whether it was due to the move, poor man management, poor preparation whatever - it was last season under a different regime. And I've said on many other threads that Fisher (and I liked the guy) was not good at developing offensive talent - and it didn't seem that he pulled a good team around Goff to help him succeed. That was a failing.
This regime seems different to me, McVay and Phillips seem to be pulling together and seem to be singing off the same hymn sheet - and what I like is there's a lot of smiling and laughing, the players seem to be enjoying themselves AND working damn hard.
I will discuss Goff at the end of this season, the only way he can silence critics is to play well and win games, so I'm rooting for the guy.
Note: I didn't like the Goff draft pick, didn't like any of the QBs that year, but I trust
@jrry32 opinion on him, and also hope that he's right