Roger's statement confirms what a lot of us were just guessing at. That OL coach Paul Boudreau was basicly ineffective as teacher and coach. The younger players were frustrated and Boo couldn't answer their questions. Why couldn't Fisher see that?
Given all that, it gives me hope that all the failure on the OL rest mostly with the coaching, and guys like GRob (who IMHO never got the coaching and teaching he so desperately needed to play LT) were left clueless, and this set of coaches will provide proper coaching and teaching.
You folks hard on GRob are missing the mark. He has plenty of incentive and puts in the work. He desperately wants to be a good player. Everyone knew he wasn't taught how to play T in the NFL at Auburn. It was Paul Boudreau's job and he failed miserably to teach GRob (and anyone else for that matter).
Now its up to new OL coach Kromer and his staff. I will not call GRob a "bust" until I see what this staff does. If a second set of coaches can't bring GRob up to NFL standards, THEN he is a "bust".