FWIW McVay said they had video proof that he went inside the numbers and back out, so it was a botched call regardless.
Still no explanation for the Giants, maybe some sort of taunting thing? Doesn’t look like the tackle was anything, and they obviously haven’t explained it and never will.
Onto next week I suppose.
The Rams will get one of those fucking bullshit letters from the league... "err..umm... sorry. The Refs fucked up. Them's the breaks, but yeah, they fucked you. Also, if you talk about how they fucked you, we'll beat your wallet harder than the internet beats a dead horse. Sincerely, The Commish's office"
The dead horse I will beat until I'm simply beating the outline of the long since obliterated carcass... it's time for all refereeing to be automated with human supervision.
If the NFL can't exist without fixing the outcome, then fuck it... let's all watch curling. I don't care, but every week going through this BS is just exhausting.
And the only reason something's not done is because a) for some reason the league fears the NFL refs even though after the 3rd game of replacement refs, they did a good enough job that the ref union settled and got their mostly old, fat asses back on to the field and b) because since 9/11 and that SB36, the NFL wants to have that narrative so that every winner is a feel good story. It's gross.
Who gives a shit about "the human factor" when it comes to officiating. In many sports, especially timed sports, it's all automated with humans supervising any boundary violation. Can anyone say that motorsports or track and field or skiing would be better going back to human timing?
It's just an unbelievably stupid take. "Well, things sucked in the past, so let's keep doing that bullshit... FOR NOSTALGIA!!!"
Fuck all that. Greatest day in the NFL will be when refs are the 2nd line for making calls and most if not all calls are either automated or decided in NY by a PANEL of former senior officials.
Ya know... I used to design workflow for networks as well as physical workflow... I KNOW I could design something relatively easy to implement with SIGNIFICANTLY fewer errors and faster gameplay.
And I KNOW there are others out there much better than me (maybe not in my prime, but i'm easily 20 years past that in my field).
They still don't even have all full time referees. WTF is that nonsense? Biggest sport in the US and they need part time officials???
Sorry. I'm so fucking done with ANY referees that I'll gladly blast a former East German judge even though they haven't been a thing since '90