Even hatred is fine in speech. The old market place of ideas will sort that out.
People who throw bumper sticker ideas around like (a bumper sticker I saw the other week) "Hate speech is not protected speech"
People with this mentality have no idea about the constitution or bill of rights....either in letter or spirit. Encouraging violence in a real way etc no, basically everything else? Yes.
Hate is fine yes, I think damaging speech or speech that can incite is over the line. I think the term hate speech is broad and could be renamed and redefined to reflect a more meaningful definition. I know it when I here it is fine, I'm that way a lot, but something a little more concrete wouldn't hurt a bit.
but if someone gets caught for dog fighting were outraged...
That's different on many levels.
I'm sure Wentz stcoks his big freezer or gives extras to friends.
I don't know him but I would bet money he has a large feast with family and friends based on how grounded I've heard he is..........however..........
fuck the Eagles.
They are essentially Rodents Of Unusual Size that crap a lot more. They all need to die a fiery death.
I'll watch videos of guys using long rifles and scopes to kill them and giggle.
But they are supposed to be tasty.
And don't feel bad about giggling. I sometimes indulge in Apache FLIR footage of ISIS and AQ fighters getting incendiary rounds rained down on them. It's a guilty pleasure.
Here is a sample.........
All the trends like the #Metoo bullcrap is dumb asf
That one is not dumb as fuck, in fact it's important as fuck.
Taking fear away from people who have been mistreated and abused/raped is not dumb as fuck my man.
It's smart as fuck.
More deer in Iowa now than when the first Colonist arrived....damn car killers everwhere
Well if you guys would stop growing so much damn corn, a deers favorite food, mebbe you wouldn't have that problem!!
@Mackeyser you can buy these little things to attach to your
hyper masculine hybrid that will alert them with sound we can't hear, and they work pretty well. Or pony up for a front mount machine gun like
@nighttrain probably has.