so, is this were Case is?
That's what he said amount of banter is gonna change it....LOLOLOL
wait a minute?!? You doubted my expert, practice analysis????? You didn't believe in Brian Quick either??????
preaching to the choir my man...keep fighting the good fight...when Goff DOES play...that's for YOU mr -X-, they'll all see your wisdom...talent is talent...cream rises to the top...the guy is hurting that...they ACTUALLY BELIEVE that he's no better than Case Keenum...
and really...Fish, Snead, Boras, Weinke, hell anybody that has seen these two side by side throw the ball, is completely wrong if they don't think Goff is not only better, but is a superior option as far as winning games....The same way Case has gotten better(hard to be worse than game 1) Goff will get better...and much better...
Britt needs a Goff.....Quick REALLY needs a Goff...Tavon is handcuffed without a Goff....Gurley is about to get knocked out without a Goff....Hell, play da man....prove US...the fans...the ones that buy the damn jerseys, wrong...
This is becoming a pride thing...sorta like me...every time I see a QB thread, I can't wait to voice my opinion on who should be, shoulda been starting at QB for my beloved RAMS....and it's a damn shame a team like Buffalo can sneak outta the Coliseum with a damn win because of careless, inept play at the most crucial position on the field....
16-16....3rd feeling good...moving...that point right there...PROVES...this guy isn't the game manager he was put out to be....he helped LOSE the game....I guess none of you Keenum apologist care about that....