Florida blows chunks, and that's why I moved to Asheville. But don't you wanna try a couple of weeks up there in the winter first? We visited up here during all 4 seasons before we decided to move. The winter was rough even here in the mountains of N.C. It snowed, it was about 20 degrees, and windy as hell. That's a mild day in Minnesota in Jan/Feb though.
I'd love to, it's just hard to get 6 people up there for at least 4-5 days. That's easily 3-4 grand on the cheap and with everything else, I just don't have it.
That said, the two least flexible people with respect to temperature did exceedingly well when temps got below freezing and actually loved the snow.
Now, is it entirely different when it's below zero? Yeah, of course. But just like in Florida when it's 90+ degrees with 90+ percent humidity, one spends most of the time in the house, car or building of some sort. Same anywhere with extreme temps, be it MN or AK or AZ or TX or FL. And actually, most of us are looking forward to "braving the cold" to do various social activities.
The important thing for us is that all of us seem to respond to the people there in a manner in which we much more often answer to our greater angels rather than our lesser demons. Fewer sarcastic remarks, little more patience, giving loved ones the benefit of the doubt more often...that sort of thing.
Maybe it's just a vibe thing. I dunno, honestly. Maybe it's because Caribou Coffee is a fun place and about 1000x better than Starbucks. (It really is)
And if I could do multiple trips, I most assuredly would because that's very smart. Don't need someone saying in February "what the hell did I sign up for???"
But we're a tight crew and it's usually the "if" portion that gets us. We're pretty good figuring out the "how). Now that everyone's all in on "if", I'm hoping and praying that the "how" portion gets worked out.
If I come into some money, though, you can bet I'll head us up there. Won't be in February, tho. The Super Bowl is in Minneapolis this year and you wouldn't believe how much people are charging for their houses...
I mean they're asking and getting $5k/day and UP for either apartments next to the stadium or houses nearby. So...yeah. Not gonna do that. Maybe later in February or March....LOL.
Then again, when the Rams make the Super Bowl, maybe I'll finally sell that extra kidney I got layin' around and do it...LOL.