If I felt that covid was a threat to me or my family I might wear a mask. Covid is not as easy to spread as the media is claiming. The case count is going up do to more testing, yet the % of positive tests has not changed. I dont hide from the flu, I've never had it either, there are so many things killing more people daily than covid that it makes the medias treatment of covid hypocritical. Masks arent stopping the spread, the spread will stop once we reach herd immunity, so lets just get it over with. If it makes high risk people feel better to isolate that is their right. If masks work then people that are concerned can wear a mask and protect themselves. I'm confident that my immune system will do its job if covid tries to infect my body, just like it does against the flu. Wearing a mask just causes my glasses to fog and I keep adjusting the mask and my glasses, which if I'm a carrier just contaminates anything I touch. I have not noticed 1 person wearing a mask in public that doesnt touch it at least once every couple minutes, so even the people claiming to be doing the right thing arent doing anything to slow the spread. Most people dont even wear them correctly, so they are doing no good to slow the spread. People die every day from smoking cigarettes and they havent banned smoking in public.
Mitigation is an important word to understand in this context. Masks don’t stop COVID, they mitigate the spread. Seatbelts don’t stop deaths from car accidents, they mitigate. Mitigation matters.
Covid is a sobering test of society. It takes cooperation. You don’t wear the mask for you. It really isnt meant to help you. You wear the mask for others. You may have COVID and not know it - a lot of people do - and if you wear a mask, the chance you spread it goes way down. And you can spread it even without coughing in someone’s face - it could be the cashier checking you out at the grocery store, it could be someone in the next aisle.
Smoking in public has been banned in most places and so many more people wouldnt have been killed had they instituted those bans earlier.
% Positive is on the rise in many places - specifically places that have not mandated masks (or just recently did). There is data on this - its easy enough to find if you are interested.
I know everyone dies - and I know that we take a certain amount of risk in every day life. But society requires a certain level of togetherness - a certain level of care for your fellow man.
The mask is uncomfortable for me too. But I want to do my part. America hasn’t asked nearly as much of me as it has previous generations. I have been pretty spoiled, really. Now that I do have a part to play in keeping my country safe, I sure don’t want to fail because its too uncomfortable. I hope you will come around and play your part too.