Conference call with Barrett Jones

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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
(On how he feels about being drafted)
“It’s an amazing day. I’m so excited. I’m just glad it’s all over. I’m glad I ended up a St. Louis Ram.”

(On the Rams’ interest in him during the pre-draft process)
“I didn’t make a pre-draft visit. I actually met (Offensive Line) Coach (Paul T.) Boudreau at Alabama. He came up there and visited some players at one of our pro days. Met him and talked to him, and went through a lot of things with him. I really liked him. I know St. Louis is a great sports town, so I’m excited to be there.”

(On if he expected to go earlier in the draft)
“Honestly, I did. I did expect to go yesterday at some point in the third round, but I didn’t and that’s alright. I think a lot of people get hung up on where they get they get drafted. I’m just glad I have an opportunity to play in the NFL. I’m looking to make the most of that opportunity.”

(On how the injury recovery is going)
“It’s going really great. I’m feeling good and I should be back pretty soon.”

(On if the Rams talked to him about what position he will play)
“I haven’t even talked to them about it yet, so I’ll have to get back to you on that one.”

(On if interested teams discussed him playing center or guard during the pre-draft process)
“Most teams talked to me about center and guard, so that’s where I got most of the attention. I assume that’s what they’re (Rams) looking at also.”

(On what position he feels most comfortable playing)
“I’ve played a lot of different places. If you ask me where I feel most comfortable right now, probably center because that’s where I played last year. That being said, I’ll play anywhere they want me to play. I’m just looking to help the team, wherever I can do that best, that’s where I’ll be.”

(On being a decorated player and if he has a big trophy closet at home)
“We have a closet. I do have, to be honest, a lot of trophies. But, I don’t really celebrate trophies because that’s not why I play football, to get trophies. I play because I love the game and I play to win. I’ve been fortunate to win a lot and I feel like I’m a winner. That’s the kind of attitude I’m going to bring to St. Louis.”

(On if his trophies are really in the closet)
“I mean a lot of them, yeah. Off the record, there’s too many to display. Just not being cocky, I’m just saying I have been blessed to have a lot of awards.”

(On if he has a shrine room at home)
“No, I don’t. I’m not that arrogant.”

(On his familiarity with the Rams’ offense and offensive players)
“Honestly, not a ton. I’ve watched them on TV, but that’s really the extent of my familiarity. I know Sam Bradford, obviously, is a good, up and coming quarterback, but other than that I don’t have a ton. I’m excited. Ask me in a few weeks and I will have a lot of familiarity with them.”

(On describing himself as a player, what he does best, and what is most fun for him on the field)
“When you get me, I’m very committed. I’m the hardest working guy in the building. I prepare very hard, work all week and do a lot of extra film work. I do a lot of extra physical things to get myself ready each week and I feel like that’s my greatest asset is my intelligence and my preparation. That’s what I’m going to bring here. My leadership – I was a captain last year. Obviously, I’m a rookie this year, but I can be a leader for this team and in the future, so those are some of my assets.”

(On winning in the NFL)
“Winning is important to me, no doubt. But I think from talking to Coach Fisher and talking to a lot of the coaches, I think winning is something that’s very important to this franchise, and I think they are definitely headed in the right direction. I’m excited to help them get there. When I first came to Alabama we were 7-6 the year before I got there. Not that I somehow turned it around, but me and a lot of other guys helped to turn it around, and turn it in to what it is now. We’re hoping to do the same thing at the St. Louis Rams.”

(On working with Offensive Line Coach Paul T. Boudreau)
“I’ve heard great things about Coach Boudreau and I’m really excited to work with him. I’ve been able to play with some coaches who are kind of hard-nosed like that, so that’s definitely who I am and I’m looking forward to doing that.”

(On what he got his degree in)
“Accounting. I also have my master’s degree in accounting.”

(On if he got his master’s degree in December)
“I graduated in three years and got my master’s in a year and a half.”

(On who from the Rams called him today)
“It was all of them. I talked to (General Manager) Mr. (Les) Snead and then Coach Fisher, then Coach Boudreau. They were all on the phone there. It was a big moment for me and my family.”

(On if he is at home and what his plans are for the day)
“I’m at home. Just me and my family, but actually some people are coming over this afternoon to celebrate.”

(On if he is represented by CAA)
“I am. Correct.”


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Gotta love this guy's attitude. I think he's going to be a very solid player for us for a long while. Imagine this kid learning more under Scott Wells...our line is going to be absolutely fucking awesome!

F. Mulder

Jul 31, 2010
He's a better version of Robert Turner. I (unlike others) don't expect much from him this year. I think he rehabs and learns, but down the road he is the type of technician, with smarts, and tenacity thay you just plug in and he performs and other teams (or at least their fans) say "why don't we have a guy like that".

I know I felt that way watching lots of mid/late round solid OLman with 10 year careers!


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Accounting and MBA,I like it, those are my degrees and FWIW,I know how hard it was to get those degrees without being an athlete ( switched majors after I was done wrestling)and a 4.0 average IMPRESSIVE.

Start him as a guard and we have our center of the future.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 24, 2010
This might be contorversial but I think Jones could end up being the best player from our draft class.

That was a textbook way to answer questions, so at least he is intelligent enough to know how to deal with the media. If that was his genuine personality coming across- Wow.


Rams Lifer
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 7, 2010
Memento said:
Gotta love this guy's attitude. I think he's going to be a very solid player for us for a long while. Imagine this kid learning more under Scott Wells...our line is going to be absolutely fucking awesome!
Yeah, perfect attitude. He's a really smart kid.