colin cowherd:Has Jared Goff improved enough to lead the Rams or are the Colts just awful?

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Old School Ram Fan
May 30, 2011
Here's what pizzes me off. Had the Patriots or Packers beat the Luckless Colts 46-9, they would go on and on how that's what a playoff teams should do to an 8-8 team without its QB.

Rams are the Rodney Dangerfield of the NFL, they get no respect.
Same here, Bubba. They haven't earned any yet, though. After they pound the Shytechickens into oblivion we can believe.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 18, 2014
Both. Tolzien is a complete and total dumpster fire.
BUT. We also scored 30 points on offense.
Did that once all of last year.
And just when was the last time you saw our "D" get 2 INT returns for TD's and a Safty! IDK!!!:D


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
Cowherd is a shecocks homer. He used to be the sports guy on the Portland NBC channel when I lived there and he covered the Seattle sports teams extensively. Hell - I think he was born in WA IIRR.

He left for his national radio gig before the shecocks started winning so he is probably still butt hurt over the throttling the Rams historically laid on the chickens. I think he needs to believe that the Rams won't return to prominence.

Listening to Cowherd for objectivity on the Rams would be almost exactly like expecting it from Conzano. Don't hold your breath.
I think he's an Eastern Washington alum like our man Kupp. He does however love Kupp and is optimistic about the Rams, Goff and McVay. I find myself listening to him a lot these days.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I think he's an Eastern Washington alum like our man Kupp. He does however love Kupp and is optimistic about the Rams, Goff and McVay. I find myself listening to him a lot these days.
Yep. I actually like Cowherd for the most part but we can expect a bias toward the shecocks and more backhanded compliments toward the Rams. I'm not so sure about optimism toward the Rams. I think he just wants to cover his bases.

Almost everyone regrettably admits we have some good talent on this team. It's very easy to recognize that good coaching could result in a good season. I think he wants to be out in front of that. He didn't say Goff wasn't good or that the Rams suck. He said the game doesn't mean much and that any QB should be able to dissect a bad defense with a clean pocket.

I think overall, a lot of these guys are tired of being burned by the "Rams have talent" statement. Now it's time we proved out. They'll come along begrudgingly just like they did at the start of the GSOT years.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
Cowherd likes to be controversial and take a "different" angle on things. That said, he did jump on the Goff bandwagon after the Raiders pre-season game, and I dont recall if he recalled that.
He does make some decent points, the Colts are pretty bad, but part of that has to be how bad the Rams made them look, right?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
actually , I think colin cowherd has a man crush on goff , sure likes to talk about him


Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Same here, Bubba. They haven't earned any yet, though. After they pound the Shytechickens into oblivion we can believe.

Man I'm freakin sick of the whole gotta "earn respect" thing when it comes to NFL reporting. When the Rams beat the shitchickens in Seattle a couple seasons ago, do you know what was said? That it wasn't a big deal, wasn't an important game to them, etc. And when they beat the Rams last year? Oh, finally they beat a team (Rams) that's been a constant thorn in their sides. It really set me off at those times.

There are professionals and talented players across all 32 teams.

Why does Jacksonville get praises for their defense performance?

Why does Cleveland and Chicago get praises for just being in close games?

Why does Minnesota get fawned after their Monday night performance (remember THAT team blew a 5-0 start last season!)?

It's bullshit, man. The Rams get ignored when it's the networks job to, at the very least, show highlights of each game and make comments on them.

The Rams DEMOLISHED a team. A team that scored more points than the rest of the NFC West COMBINED! A team that scored THE most points in the league, after KC scored 42! And yet goons like Meshawn Johsnon, Heath Evans, Peter King, and Mike Florio (among others) constantly make backhanded or snarky remarks that reek of unprofessional.

Whoa, was not expecting me to go on a tirade. I'm not making this rant directed towards you personally, just a general view of the clown world that is sports media out there.

At least Rich Eisen gave some kudos today.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
Man I'm freakin sick of the whole gotta "earn respect" thing when it comes to NFL reporting. When the Rams beat the shitchickens in Seattle a couple seasons ago, do you know what was said? That it wasn't a big deal, wasn't an important game to them, etc. And when they beat the Rams last year? Oh, finally they beat a team (Rams) that's been a constant thorn in their sides. It really set me off at those times.

There are professionals and talented players across all 32 teams.

Why does Jacksonville get praises for their defense performance?

Why does Cleveland and Chicago get praises for just being in close games?

Why does Minnesota get fawned after their Monday night performance (remember THAT team blew a 5-0 start last season!)?

It's bullcrap, man. The Rams get ignored when it's the networks job to, at the very least, show highlights of each game and make comments on them.

The Rams DEMOLISHED a team. A team that scored more points than the rest of the NFC West COMBINED! A team that scored THE most points in the league, after KC scored 42! And yet goons like Meshawn Johsnon, Heath Evans, Peter King, and Mike Florio (among others) constantly make backhanded or snarky remarks that reek of unprofessional.

Whoa, was not expecting me to go on a tirade. I'm not making this rant directed towards you personally, just a general view of the clown world that is sports media out there.

At least Rich Eisen gave some kudos today.

Bashing the Rams is the easy and "cool" thing to do. As I've said many times, these guys love the protection that being part of the mob provides. If you're wrong, so is everyone else. They don't want to take risks on their own and end up looking the fool. They don't trust their football knowledge enough to be willing to put themselves out there.

I respect the guys who put themselves out there even when I disagree with them and even when they end up being wrong. The thing that people fail to understand is that if you are decent at what you do, people are going to be more likely to remember your successes than your failures. That's the sole reason why people think my draft opinions are worth a crap. :LOL: ;)

For example, I respect Louis Riddick for sticking by his love of Goff. It would have been easy for him to join the Goff-hating crowd and pretend that he never hyped the guy up before and after the draft. It takes balls to stand for something even when everyone tells you that you're wrong.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Also, probably the most repeated chant in pro sports is "beat LA". It's chic to be anti-LA anything.


Hall of Fame
May 25, 2013
As time goes by, I think fans will see Fisher more and more as a very, very bad coach.

That's rather harsh. It wasn't all bad.

Rams defense and special teams were just awful when he arrived. Now they're among the best in the NFL.
Performance inside the division also improved substantially. They had only won four games against NFC West teams in the five years before Fisher.


Aug 11, 2016
Collin Cowturd I could never stand this guy. He isn't a complete idiot.. but he I've always found a lot of his perceptions to be so far off.. but then he blows about everything like he is the smartest dude on the planet.

Honestly couldn't give two shits about what he says about anything.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 19, 2013
I'll try and find a link to the vid but cowherd is already started to change his tune regarding Goff (getting in early so he can't be called out if Goff lights it up this year ... there was a five things vid he learnt about the NFL after week one

Number 2 was "Jared Goff has a chance "

Laid pretty much all the blame at fisher and co's feet .....

Edit : found it

Was actually number 1 .... acknowledge he wasn't given a fair chance his rookie year .. still throws a few caveats in there (fence sitting fucker )


Aug 24, 2014
I think the biggest take-away from this game is that the Rams beat the crap out of a team that they should've beat the crap out of. How many times in the past 5-10 years have we seen the rams lay an egg against a team that they should destroy? Fisher's teams had a very bad habit of playing to the level of competition. These are the games that you need to win to make it to the playoffs. We all know they won't all be 46-9 games until week 17, but if you beat the teams that you should beat, and split the tough teams 50/50, you're a 10-6 (at least) football teams and getting to play in January.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 3, 2014
That's rather harsh. It wasn't all bad.

Rams defense and special teams were just awful when he arrived. Now they're among the best in the NFL.
Performance inside the division also improved substantially. They had only won four games against NFC West teams in the five years before Fisher.
Yeah, he knew defense but - even then - it wasn't elite or anything.
In fact, IMO, they under-performed based on talent.
It will be interesting to see what Phillips does with all that talent.

Special teams? Did he hire Fassell? If he did, props for that.

But any accolades given to Fisher for the defense or special teams is more than offset by the damage he did to the offense.

OK, offense wasn't his sweet spot but, too many times, it looked like he was deliberately sabotaging the offense.

He had multiple opportunities to bring in experienced, successful OCs and, instead, he hired guys with little experience and no prior success.

Just my opinion, but his failure at putting together and offense puts him in the "very, very bad coach" category.


Pro Bowler
Apr 10, 2016
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That's rather harsh. It wasn't all bad.

Rams defense and special teams were just awful when he arrived. Now they're among the best in the NFL.
Performance inside the division also improved substantially. They had only won four games against NFC West teams in the five years before Fisher.
Jeff Fisher: A Legacy Of Abject Failure: Was Fisher Really This Clueless?

According to Keyshawn Johnson, Fisher was "forced" to take Jared Goff with the top pick.Johnson said sources told him that Fisher was against selecting Goff: "From my outside people and the inside people that I know with the Rams, that wasn't the choice that Jeff Fisher really wanted".


Jul 19, 2017
The Rams have sucked for so long, it's gonna take an extended period of well played, winning football to change a lot of minds... remember 1999? It took a while then too.

Respect is earned.'s only week 1 but there are some parallel's to the '99 season. Nowhere to go but up and the whole organization seems to be all in. The optimism is so contagious right now among Ram Nation. 2 or 3 big wins and the Coliseum will be bursting.


Damn the torpedoes
Rams On Demand Sponsor
ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
Dammit missed this thread when I posted some of the vids in another one. But anyway...

In hindsight people are going to see all the signs were there...

* Highly talented and drafted QB in bad situation year one
* Added top offensive staff
* Added WR pieces who were professionals and who fit
* Added two key pieces on the OL

And so forth and so on, as we can do the same thing on the defensive side. Problem is that, as we all know, none of these "experts" actually wants to do the work to properly analyze offseason moves and give a team credit until they see it happen. Which makes me wonder why anyone considers them to be an expert.

I mean shouldn't an expert be calling it before the unwashed masses can see it? Nope. In today's media it's all about piling on and clickbait. Well F them. And F them even when they all jump on the bandwagon.