I was at the Bills game when the fan was attacked....then went to the Denver game later in the year...pretty sure that was the same year...and the one you are referencing....it was a violent fanbase....I think the stadium made it moreso....it was always hot...those bathrooms...and way to much alcohol being pushed on us fans....we'd always sneak in a bottle...
I thought that made the game kinda fun/exciting...dangerous even....but I could see why it's looked down on if you happen to bring the kids...
Fans have changed....when the Coliseum is packed....it always has a element of violence...gladiatorial style.
Nah.... I saw, among other games because my uncle was a business partner of crazy Al, Montana/Manilo’s last game there and it was basically a meaningless game. They had police in a two by stance lining the steps at the end zone all the way up. And STILL every five or ten minutes a fight would break out and this sea of blue would converge and fight through stands of black jackets to break it up and drag someone off. No sooner than they had the person hauled out, another shit show would start.
Now mind you... Manillo was playing for the Chefs, it was his fairwell show, both OJ (before he hopped in a white bronco) and James Gardner were sitting two rows down, so there was a bit of a buzz going on. But after a while, it was more entertaining than anything else going on to watch fights break out and this sea of blue converging. It was unreal. But not to my uncle. He just shrugged and said it was like most games there.
I’ve been to a couple Raiduh games in Oakland and a few in LA. They were nothing alike. Oakland fans acted like it was their house and were loud but just rowdy fans. LA Raiduh fans acted like it was a time to wear black and look for fights.
You may have random attacks at other games but a LA Raiduh game was constant.