@badnews ...hows it feel to break the cherry....finally got to see a W
Fuckin fantastic dude!
My phone had no internet anywhere near Sofi for most of the day, had to walk miles it seemed to get an uber, our seats were close to a septic ventilation or something because it reeked AND the Lions made this game too close for comfort...
All that said, it was a great game, felt like forever since seeing pro football... also, the gameday atmosphere was pretty great. I LOVED the in house guitar player chick... made for the best player intro hype ever...
But the crowd up top needs to learn to wake up and make noise on big 3rd downs. I'm not sure the video prompts are working up there... vidro plays of Jalen Ramsey counting down to make crowd noise and everybody just watches it kind of slack jawed but when Lions fans were chanting on Rams 3rd downs, these same Rams fans would make noise, thinking they were drowning out the harmless "let's go Lions" chants while actually creating noise for their defense.... cmon folks!
But yeah man, it felt great and we loved every minute of it (except for leaving...)