I am beginning to think I will never find out who you went to school with.
Was it Cullen Bryant’s sister, Cullen Bryant’s son, Cullen Bryant’s gardener, Cullen Bryant’s orthodontist. The possibilities are endless.
Truth is it was supposedly a Rams players son for a half year. Always thought it was a Rams RB.I’m looking back in time,but not sure who it was now. The years didn’t add up to be Cullen Byrant.
My dad past awhile back, so can’t really recall back on his thoughts were at the time. Had a concussion back at that time & memory is a little more sketchy.
What I do know is The Rams trained in Long Beach at Blair stadium.
I was a big Rams fan,but also a huge early Raiders fan. James Harris was a QB I liked & was upset The Rams let him go.
I know none of it really makes sense, but the first NFL game I went to was when Ron Jessie & Gene Washington we’re playing. The Rams vs the Niners. Hated The Niners ever sense. Cheered for The Rams against the Raiders.
Remember John Hadle,Pat Haden,Joe,Jaws,The Banning kid, so on & so on.