What I find to be the most comical, is when people like Bernie, or Jim Thomas, or people you would think have the means to actually become more educated on these sort of things, continually put this garbage out there. The PD staff as a group, are the laziest journalists known to man. In this day and age, where information is so readily available, that they continue to write these sort of "puff pieces" just to create a stir is embarrassing.
With one of (if not the best) Journalism schools less than 2 hours away, these "writers" do more to shame the profession than can be expressed.
When people want to write things like "the city of St. Louis, and the State of Missouri better get moving on this" it makes me literally want to throw up. What is so painfully obvious to me, is when the information doesn't fall into their laps, or in Bernie's case, someone does something to spite him, he/they lash out and makes them out to be the villain. In this case, because the Rams, Kroenke and/or the local gov't officials have chosen to keep the negotiations OUT OF THE MEDIA, these so called professional journalists proceed with their hatchet jobs.
Bernie is the worst at this. But IMO, its just another example of the media wanting to CREATE the story, rather than REPORTING on it. Do a little bit of research, find the FACTS beyond regurgitating what you "hear on the street". Which is all Bernie ever seems to "report".