I still don't get why people don't see the obvious.
The NFL itself owns the rights to the market. My guess is that they could sell access to it for 2 billion dollars, maybe 3 billion. Or 2 billion each to two different groups. Eventually that will happen. But no current owner is going to shell out that kind of money after already shelling out hundreds and hundreds of millions or over a billion for their current team.
Why would they let someone that currently owns a team move there for a small relocation fee? Of course the answer is they would never allow that to happen or it would have already happened.
Since the Rams and Raiders have left we have seen......
The Browns leave and become the Ravens for a small relocation fee
Then become reborn as the Browns at a huge expansion fee....over half a billion
The Oilers leave and become the Titans for a small relocation fee
Then become reborn as the Texans for a huge expansion fee of nearly three quarters of a billion
Jacksonville with a metro population barely over a million gets a team for 206 million
Charlotte lands a team the same year for the same expansion fee of 206 million
And LA gets nothing. Well they get a lot of saber rattling but that's all it's been for almost twenty years. If it was such a good move and would make some rich beyond rich then why isn't a team there? Essentially six franchises have been created.
Why in the world would anyone think that the league is going to let someone move into LA without cutting a massive check for expansion?
And why would SK cut that check when he could build a lavish stadium and get all the revenue from Rams games and oodles of other events for parking, beer, pretzels, water, programs and souvineers, food and everything else?
And by the way cutting that check to go to LA, whatever group or person does eventually cut it, doesn't include a stadium, which is going to be another billion dollars.
Not to be rude to any posters but anyone that thinks the Rams are going to LA is willfully ignoring a gigantic pile of facts that make it a near impossibility, while choosing to buy into pipe dreams and myths and rumors.
The Rams aren't going anywhere but to a new stadium in the STL metro area and I am still willing to wager anyone any amount of money they want to bet on that.