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Jun 11, 2013
Over at RealRamsFans there is a thread about trolling....I figured it had to do with trolling the Seapigeons, Whiners, or Turdinals....but they were trolling LA Rams Fans....that's like sitting in the dome and yelling at kids in Rams gear....pathetic....pretty much the attitude that made me leave that place... :nono:


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
I've got no dog in this fight (FLA Rams Fans FTW), but I can understand the territorial tensions that arise out of that subject. I'd be pretty bummed if the Rams left my State and I could no longer attend their games. I understand that support dropped off after Frontiere starting demolishing that team, but there were probably a great many die-hards there who still supported the guys who strapped on the gear.

Similarly, I have empathy for the St Louis fans who now have the team. They're good fans and have supported this Franchise through some very lean times, so it's gotta be a pain in the dick to have to constantly hear the trolls from L.A. (not all L.A. fans, mind you - just the trolls) who continue to suggest that the St Louis fans aren't going to get to keep the team they've grown to love since 1995 because of some obscure story or rumor.

It's a sad situation for the good fans from both locations who just wanna enjoy their team and let the chips fall where they may.

EDIT: I took your link away because we don't need to denigrate an entire forum due to a poorly conceived thread subject that's been allowed to fester. That's a mod decision on their end, so ...


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
This is a truly unfortunate situation. As a fan from St. Louis, I harbor absolutely zero ill will toward Rams fans from L.A. or other places who have supported this team for decades. In fact, I'm a touch envious; you guys got to see Deacon, Dickerson, Youngblood, and Merlin play for this team, as well as the one and only GSoT. I would've loved to have seen those guys in their prime years.

On the other hand, I can't help but be bothered by the trolls who constantly attack St. Louis and the fans that live there just because the team moved there. I'm tired of seeing us denigrated by people like Adam Rank (a piece of shit writer on, who takes a shot at our city every single time he writes an article. I'm tired of seeing the endless comments about how we don't deserve to root for this team, how they're going to move back to L.A. It honestly feels like those trolls would like nothing less than for every St. Louis fan to stop supporting the team.

It saddens me. The entire situation saddens me because we're remarkably similar places with remarkably similar fanbases (both huge baseball and basketball hotbeds, have extremely passionate hockey fans, and we've both had football teams move away because of awful owners), and yet we happen to be so far apart on this issue.


Oh, really?
Jun 24, 2010
Fans from both LA and St. Louis have gone through the pain of losing a football team. It's maddening for any fan from either city wishing that a team would leave either St. Louis or not come to LA. We're all Rams fans in the end, and we've been through the good times and bad times. It looks like the good times are going to be starting up again, and we'll all be proud of the Rams once more.


Hall of Fame
Sep 22, 2012
Memento touching a raw nerve:
I'm tired of seeing us denigrated by people like Adam Rank (a piece of shyte writer on, who takes a shot at our city every single time he writes an article. I'm tired of seeing the endless comments about how we don't deserve to root for this team, how they're going to move back to L.A. It honestly feels like those trolls would like nothing less than for every St. Louis fan to stop supporting the team.

I'm willing to give actual fans some leeway when it comes to subjects like this but like Memento, I draw the line at ^%%#$*&s like this guy.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Most of what the guys who want to see the Rams move back to LA are posting is wishful thinking and willfully ignoring pretty much every fact out there. It's a sad and desperate thing IMO especially when fans and the city itself get attacked. I've actually seen posters rip STL as essentially a Midwestern hick town that is inferior to LA.

I actually have a bet with one of the deluded ones at the Herd that if the Rams move to LA I will leave that board for a year and if they stay in STL he will leave the board for a year. Then he got a little cocky recently and upped it to leaving the board for good.

I'm not deleting my account there.......SK is going to build his own place and I think most reasonable people know that's what's coming.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Lesson said:
Fans from both LA and St. Louis have gone through the pain of losing a football team. It's maddening for any fan from either city wishing that a team would leave either St. Louis or not come to LA. We're all Rams fans in the end, and we've been through the good times and bad times. It looks like the good times are going to be starting up again, and we'll all be proud of the Rams once more.

I'm from the CLE area and was living there when the turd Modell left for a big fat check. LA and STL can say all they want about how good their fan base is its not like the Browns. So watching what that town went through and the anger the fans had was an experience that gives me perspective on this type of thing. If the Rams weren't in the playoffs I was pulling for the Browns if they were. It's just the nature of the beast growing up there and all. So I understand how the guys in LA and STL feel, it's a shitty thing to lose a team you have given so much too.

I'm sorry for the guys in LA, but moving the Rams back there doesn't make things right.

Not to mention I just saw an article that ranked the top sports teams in the LA area by popularity. The Rams were #19. Much of that to do with the significantly different demographic landscape of course. I posted it on the Herd in a thread about the team moving.


Jan 14, 2013
I just ignore threads like that anymore. And usually any involving Bradford. Some people feel the need to pick sides on issues or debates and build walls around those issues and never leave them. In the end, no one wins and some how a bunch of fans of the same team spend endless threads fighting over stupid **** arguments that are usually built around assumptions and opinion.

It will be nice when Stan the Man finally reveals his plans and puts some money down on those plans, whatever they may be, so we can all quit hearing about it.

Also, will be nice when the season finally starts so we can start witnessing Bradford's first trip the the pro bowl. :shifty: :ww:


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Dr.RamsFanCK said:
Over at RealRamsFans there is a thread about trolling....I figured it had to do with trolling the Seapigeons, Whiners, or Turdinals....but they were trolling LA Rams Fans....that's like sitting in the dome and yelling at kids in Rams gear....pathetic....pretty much the attitude that made me leave that place... :nono:

I guess I'm not sure what you are saying and I'm not venturing over there to find out. If they were trolling to bring out LA fans just for the sake of a fight, that's pretty low and a huge reason why I wouldn't want to be a part of that kind of a forum. If they were LA fans trolling for a fight, that's just as low.

I am a RAMS fan. I've been one since I knew what football was growing up in LA. What Georgia and Shaw did to my team really pissed me off. To this day, I blame them for tearing down the franchise so they could move them to another place where they could milk it for all it was worth.

I harbor all the ill will in the world for those two (Ziggy too) but I harbor absolutely zero ill will for the fans of St Louis. St Louis fans support the Rams and have endured a pretty crappy product being put out on the field in recent years. When all this talk about the stadium issue first came up (at least on MY radar), I was worried for the fans in St Louis that Shaw was orchestrating yet another money grab by putting a virtually unwatchable product on the field. I feared that they were going to drive attendance down like they did in LA so they could show a lack of support - a self fulfilling prophesy.

I - like many on here - no longer have a dog in the fight as to where my Rams play. I get that LA fans are still pissed. I can't blame them a bit. What I can blame LA fan for is constantly turning the stadium issue into a fight and trying to drag Ram fans into that fight. As if by doing so, they are going to accomplish ANYTHING. Why should the St Louis fans have to be subjected to that? None of the anger felt by us LA fans (former and present) is their fault.

I understand that many fans in LA still want the team back. I just hate the vitriol that ensues when the subject is brought up. And it's brought up by both sides.

So from my POV - if you bring up the subject, you are more than likely trolling unless it is just to mention an actual NEW revelation that has ACTUALLY happened or is ACTUALLY in process. Every time I see a thread on the subject, I cringe. Please don't bring that into our house.


May 28, 2011
That's fucking stupid, why troll your own fanbase?

I live in Los Angeles, would I love to see the Rams back in LA? You're damn right I would, just like X would probably love to see them come to Florida, or anyone else would love to have them in their home city. Shit, they could play in my backyard. I'm happy that they're in St Louis though, it doesn't matter where the Rams play, LA, St Louis, Ohio, Antarctica, it doesn't change my love for them. As long as there's a Rams team, I'll cheer for them, no matter where I live.

Young Ram

Hall of Fame
Oct 1, 2011
LesBaker said:
I'm not deleting my account there.......SK is going to build his own place and I think most reasonable people know that's what's coming.

I'm from SoCal so I would love for the Rams to come back to LA but I wouldn't mind them staying in St. Louis. I think what gets both parties heated is when they start stating things like if it was fact just like your quote when really It's all speculation. Kronke has never said he is staying or leaving, or if he's building his own stadium
with his own money or help from the city.

Until then, whatever anyone says is speculation and we can only wait until Kronke himself decides on what he really wants to do.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Ram Fans, regardless of location, need to remember that we are all fans of the same team. We are all Brethren.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
bluecoconuts said:
That's freaking stupid, why troll your own fanbase?

I imagine he was tired of being trolled by LA people - it happens a lot man, more than necessary. I've seen it on here and even dealt with it in person...And it always starts with some snarky remark usually from someone that wants them back in LA. I've never seen anyone from St.Louis just out of the blue make a crack at an LA fan about having the team in St.Louis.... And I believe the guy who did the 'trolling' also started the 'Save the St.Louis Rams' facebook page, which as soon as it went up was attacked quickly by LA Fans - and apparently it was bad. They went as far as looking up facebook account pictures and ripping peoples families and shit...

I don't get the behavior either - LA knows how it feels to lose a team , so they should know what it feels like in years or months of speculation leading up to that point - why attack St.Louis fan's like that?


Jul 25, 2010
I was born and raised in SOCAL and moved to Denver (94') just before the move to St. Louis. While I understand the arguement a bit if someone lives in the same city their entire life I don't understand why so many people argue over things like this. It's not MY team or YOUR team. In many cases a team is present before you are born and after you die. I don't paticularly like fair weather fans that only follow when things are good. I've broken more remotes in the late 80's and all through the 90's than I care to remember. But at the end of the day it shouldn't matter what city, state or even country you live in. If you're a fan that should be enough. Was I dissapointed a bit when they moved? Sure. But I'll be honest, I went to games in Anaheim where the stadium was half empy. So I thought a move would actually be a good thing. I had a feeling the city of St. Louis would really embrace the team, show up for games and make it fun again to even go to a game. Sure, there has been some bad seasons and lackluster attendance. But when a team sucks that's going to happen in a lot of places. I actually would be against the team moving back because there are so many other great teams in LA that I just think the same thing would happen again. But wherever they are, LA, St. Louis or in the middle of South Dakota, I will follow OUR team. Think of it this way, whether you are a season ticket holder, spend money on jerseys, buy the NFL Sunday ticket (like me), travel to training camp or spend one red cent on the RAMS, you have a vested interest and as far as I'm concerened that's all that matters.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
bwdenverram said:
I don't paticularly like fair weather fans that only follow when things are good. I've broken more remotes in the late 80's and all through the 90's than I care to remember.

Yea, from '08-'10, I quit buying bottles because it was getting too expensive and took up too much room....switched to a kegerator lol


Jul 25, 2010
iced said:
bwdenverram said:
I don't paticularly like fair weather fans that only follow when things are good. I've broken more remotes in the late 80's and all through the 90's than I care to remember.

Yea, from '08-'10, I quit buying bottles because it was getting too expensive and took up too much room....switched to a kegerator lol

LMAO- I hear that!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
bwdenverram said:
iced said:
bwdenverram said:
I don't paticularly like fair weather fans that only follow when things are good. I've broken more remotes in the late 80's and all through the 90's than I care to remember.

Yea, from '08-'10, I quit buying bottles because it was getting too expensive and took up too much room....switched to a kegerator lol

LMAO- I hear that!

best thing my ex wife ever gave me...well she gave me the fridge, i bought the kit and made it.. i swear i wanted to send devaney the bill for my kegs, i averaged 2 or 3 a season lol

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Kind of a long these lines...

I remember wearing a Warner jersey to a game in tampon during the GSOT days. Fuc fans were calling me a bandwagoner ...

It was fucking sweet when I pulled off my jersey and revealed an LA Ram shirt underneath.


Jul 25, 2010
Selassie I said:
Kind of a long these lines...

I remember wearing a Warner jersey to a game in tampon during the GSOT days. Fuc fans were calling me a bandwagoner ...

It was freaking sweet when I pulled off my jersey and revealed an LA Ram shirt underneath.

That's sweet justice brotha.

Here's to all of us keeping remotes, bottles and everything else in tact for years to come.. :cheers: