I'm using AI for 2 or 3 hours per day and helping my clients too.
I'm listening to tech podcasts on it almost daily.
And I'm reading about it multiple times per. day.
The hype isn't just real; it's underplayed.
We're not talking about an algorithm here,-something that we understand and know how it works.
NOBODY truly knows how LLMs are doing what they are doing.
And they are doing it better and faster.
Wave goodbye to not just all knowledge workers, but most attorneys and accountants.
Say farewell to most photographers, copywriters, website designers, coders and designers.
Bid a fond adieu to the majority of medical and scientific researchers and whole swathes of the medical industry.
And translators are toast, as are narrators, and actors and authors have a handful of years
Paul Schrader (the guy who wrote Taxi Driver) said the other week that AI was now capable of writing as well as he can.
Now, whatever handbrake that was likely to be applied by a different administration has been removed, the shit is going to get scarily real, scarily fast.
The stuff you are seeing is the worst it will ever be, and when AGI hits in the next year or two, it will explode.
Comparing this to the automation of industry is like comparing the paper plane your kids made with the Space Program.