401k vs Corona virus panic

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Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
The point is the flu still kills more people daily globally than the coronavirus has killed this year. When you take in to account that about 80% of the people that contract coronavirus never even know they were ill, thus never tested, never confirmed. The mortality rate drops below 1%, influenza with its vaccines still kills more people than coronavirus. The people that coronavirus is most likely to cause problems for are the same people influenza causes problems for, those with compromised immune systems. Thats not to say they dont matter, it just means the majority of the public doesnt have much to worry about, many that do contract coronavirus never need any special treatment or medical care. Its a virus so there is no medication that will cure it, just like the flu it has to run its course and your body will develop the antibodies to get over it. The flu vaccine does not prevent the flu, it just helps your body fight it off quicker. Now if it were like ebola and had a very high mortality rate, there would be more need to get on top of it and keep it confined, but it isnt a serious threat to the lives of everyone that contracts it. So the media needs to stop acting like it is.

That's only your point, it's less than meaningless to me as I and others are already quite well aware of the danger from flu. Coronavirus is something new, it's new to me, it's new to you and it's new to the media and it's new to the CDC and our health officials.
I'm yet to hear anyone from the national news media proclaim that Coronavirus is a serious threat to the lives of everyone that contracts it, so that sounds like an exaggeration.
You folks making comparisons between influenza and this new virus are way off base, it's apples and oranges. One is old and well known for what it might do unless a new strain is upon us, and the other is completely new and the answers are relatively unknown on how to combat it. Coronavirus may just magically peter out, but i'm not hearing many scientists making that claim either. Claims that only older people are dying have also proven less than accurate, the unknowns far outweigh the knowns today, this doesn't mean this thing is untreatable though. I'll continue to listen to the news for information on patterns, new cases and where they take place, and deaths, ... not because of a morbid fascination, but because it can help me in my day to day decisions and whether there is more that I might be able to do in preparation if it becomes absolutely necessary. We prepare today so as not to panic tomorrow.
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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 18, 2014
The thing is, most of the things people have suggested here to prepare in case Corona becomes a bigger issue ALSO is what should be done to prep for widespread flu - have food at home so you limit trips to the supermarket, use hand sanitizer and wash your hands regularly - if you are coughing and sneezing wear a mask to limit transmission. So pointing out that flu is worse is meaningless. Both are bad (my brother died last year from the flu) but we are not sure how bad Corona is - though it has already killed some in the US from relatively few cases, so we know it is dangerous.

How about this - limit unnecessarily being around lots of people, limit unnecessary trips to the store, practice necessary hygiene.


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
Seems to be affecting the old and the sick the most. So far no young children even have it.
Just heard that on the news. Take it for what it worth...
actually, a 15 year old boy has shown symptoms here in RI..his father is 1 of 2 cases here as of today


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I make my living off the Evening News
Just give me something-something I can use
People love it when you lose,
They love dirty laundry

Well, I coulda been an actor, but I wound up here
I just have to look good, I don't have to be clear
Come and whisper in my ear
Give us dirty laundry

Kick 'em when they're up
Kick 'em when they're down
Kick 'em when they're up
Kick 'em all around

We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blonde who
Comes on at five
She can tell you 'bout the plane crash with a gleam
In her eye
It's interesting when people die-
Give us dirty laundry

Can we film the operation?
Is the head dead yet?
You know, the boys in the newsroom got a
Running bet
Get the widow on the set!
We need dirty laundry

You don't really need to find out what's going on
You don't really want to know just how far it's gone
Just leave well enough alone
Eat your dirty laundry

Kick 'em when they're up
Kick 'em when they're down
Kick 'em when they're up
Kick 'em when they're down

Kick 'em when they're up
Kick 'em when they're down
Kick 'em when they're stiff
Kick 'em all around

Dirty little secrets
Dirty little lies
We got our dirty little fingers in everybody's pie
We love to cut you down to size
We love dirty laundry

We can do "The Innuendo"
We can dance and sing
When it's said and done we haven't told you a thing
We all know that Crap is King
Give us dirty laundry

A song that is far more relevant and true today than it was in 1982 from Don Henley. Would have posted the song instead cuz its a jam....but for some reason[cough] this song keeps getting yanked from youtube and other online public outlets. You can find and listen to any other Henley tune but not this one. Weird huh.

I'm not here to tell ANYONE what to do or think...but US media is poison. The less you pay attention to it, the more transparent the bullshit is when you do take a peek at it every now & then.

Wash your hands & make sure your wife or girlfriend washes hers too (y)

Yeah thats complete bullshit.......... the song shows up literally TENS OF THOUSAND OF TIMES just as a video search.

OK so if you don't pay attention to the news where do you get information from?

The US media is not poison. It's as free a source as there is, and clear.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
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  • #46
Yeah thats complete bullshit.......... the song shows up literally TENS OF THOUSAND OF TIMES just as a video search.

OK so if you don't pay attention to the news where do you get information from?

The US media is not poison. It's as free a source as there is, and clear.
Except when it comes to politics which we can’t discuss here. But agreed, media is quick to the story, to a fault sometimes when they try to BE the story instead of report the story. Not much gets by the media.


Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011

Continuing @Mojo Ram theme
“A man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest”
Cheers to Mr. Simon.

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
The US media is not poison. It's as free a source as there is, and clear.
It is also bought, sold and traded in the stock market.

Again, i'm not going to preach to you. Watch and believe what you see and hear on the television all you want. It's about 10% of what's going on in the world around us, and of that 10% we're being fed half the story more often than not by a COMPANY who's in it for profit via ratings...selling fear, paranoia, tribalism, consumerism & entertainment.

I listen to news radio in the car, usually. I tune in just to make sure our country isn't being invaded or showered with ICBM's or something like that.

I assume you googled the song+video. You probably didn't actually click on any of the links. They're all phony or covers or legit links only to be taken down swiftly.

And on and on...the only one i found was a video that was extremely political (but right on target) so i didn't post it.
I did find out that Henley is a stickler for copyrights so its no conspiracy, but it is a song written before its time...It speaks volumes and truth's lyrically and it's a jam sonically.
It has two exceptional guitar leads, the first one is Joe Walsh(Eagles), the second is Steve Lukather(Toto).
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Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I listen to news radio in the car, usually. I tune in just to make sure our country isn't being invaded or showered with ICBM's or something like that.

There ya go. Obviously well informed from that casual listen of a radio station, which is probably part of a media group traded on the stock market LOL.

And one of the biggest hits by one of the biggest bands in the world is being secreted away from the web. LOL yes of course. It gets shit tons of air play on radio stations all around the globe (not the one you listen to for invasions or ICBM attacks) and we all know the lyrics. But it's being hidden from us to the tune of millions of people hearing it every day.

Makes complete sense. Not.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
You folks making comparisons between influenza and this new virus are way off base, it's apples and oranges.
Not so. Even the common cold is a coronavirus. My comparison of influenza to this coronavirus is to illustrate that even the flu was once a pandemic and killed millions. Before we had this community of experts who are dedicated to fighting new strains. This one is new, yes, but it’s still a lightweight in terms of lethality when compared to influenza. It doesn’t even spread as readily as the flu does.

Bottom line (for me) is that it’s not worthy of panic. But again, lots of media outlets dress it up as something much more ominous than it is. Once it’s contained and treatable, they’ll jump to the next lily pad and try to drum up some other existential threat to humanity. It’s what sells.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
There ya go. Obviously well informed from that casual listen of a radio station, which is probably part of a media group traded on the stock market LOL.

And one of the biggest hits by one of the biggest bands in the world is being secreted away from the web. LOL yes of course. It gets shit tons of air play on radio stations all around the globe (not the one you listen to for invasions or ICBM attacks) and we all know the lyrics. But it's being hidden from us to the tune of millions of people hearing it every day.

Makes complete sense. Not.
Hey man. As a friend (not a mod), try not to be so cunty when responding to someone who’s just having a conversation and expressing their POV. If you have a different POV, it’s pretty easy to articulate it without trying to ridicule the other dude and/or his opinion.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
Not so. Even the common cold is a coronavirus. My comparison of influenza to this coronavirus is to illustrate that even the flu was once a pandemic and killed millions. Before we had this community of experts who are dedicated to fighting new strains. This one is new, yes, but it’s still a lightweight in terms of lethality when compared to influenza. It doesn’t even spread as readily as the flu does.

Bottom line (for me) is that it’s not worthy of panic. But again, lots of media outlets dress it up as something much more ominous than it is. Once it’s contained and treatable, they’ll jump to the next lily pad and try to drum up some other existential threat to humanity. It’s what sells.



Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
That only tells me the symptoms are similar, and the mortality rate is higher with Covid-19. But here’s the thing. That’s because of China. Their initial response was to cover it up and they were VERY slow to treat it - let alone admit it was a problem at all. A more accurate comparison between covid-19 and influenza would be to study South Korea’s exposure, infection rate, response, and mortality rate. China fucks all data up with their mishandling of this virus.

But I’m not trying to prove you wrong about the seriousness of it or anything. It’s just my opinion that it’s being overblown, and that’s what’s affecting the market (per your OP). It’s my honest opinion that at some point, someone is gonna create a virus that is swift, strong, and lethal. And if it isn’t created, eventually, it will come about as the result of a very strong mutation. Drug resistance is becoming too easy for these strains, and that’s because of (another topic I’d rather not open).


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
But I’m not trying to prove you wrong about the seriousness of it or anything. It’s just my opinion that it’s being overblown, and that’s what’s affecting the market (per your OP). It’s my honest opinion that at some point, someone is gonna create a virus that is swift, strong, and lethal. And if it isn’t created, eventually, it will come about as the result of a very strong mutation. Drug resistance is becoming too easy for these strains, and that’s because of (another topic I’d rather not open).

Like most, I have absolutely no idea of how serious this is likely to become or not, my involvement in this or most any outside crisis is only an attempt to prepare for a temporary disruption of services. Me being somewhat prepared can help my family & friends directly, or help by being less of a burden for those professionals who are needed more elsewhere.

Gossip, rumors and whims have always had some affect on the market, fluctuations are often a result, and while this weeks stock market provides more evidence for that, it's likely we'll see a continuation of this behavior as we wait to hear when this new virus plateaus both with case numbers and a monthly death rate, as well as its overall effect from business and labor disruptions across the globe. It seems the simplest 10 part widget now requires 10 different countries to produce each of those parts and another to assemble. We are far more at the mercy of international trade transactions and less capable with local manufacturing than ever before as Wall Street demands profit above domestic security.
As far as the media and Coronavirus being overblown, I just haven't witnessed this from my view, most are just reporting the numbers as they get them from what I can see. Folks shopping are just following through and wanting to prepare, although i'm also sure some are probably over-reacting, and it's often the nuts that get the most attention imo. I remember during the early 60's when people thought they would survive a nuclear attack by building tiny bomb shelters in their back-yards.

I agree that eventually some virus or perhaps an unleashed bio-accident will rip our fragile notion of security to pieces, and while I don't believe thats what we're dealing with today, I understand why people are so apprehensive. Between the human condition, inept governance and Hollywood farce, it's a wonder how mankind has made it this far.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
The buyer of my house just bailed on the sale after being in escrow only 10 days - it’s hilarious cause he said it was due to the pergola, and the old fashion 1930’s windows. Hilarious. I know it has nothing to do with that. This is just bad timing for me with this stock market shit. Has everyone freaking out.

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
There ya go. Obviously well informed from that casual listen of a radio station, which is probably part of a media group traded on the stock market LOL.

And one of the biggest hits by one of the biggest bands in the world is being secreted away from the web. LOL yes of course. It gets shit tons of air play on radio stations all around the globe (not the one you listen to for invasions or ICBM attacks) and we all know the lyrics. But it's being hidden from us to the tune of millions of people hearing it every day.

Makes complete sense. Not.
Try being less dickish when having differing conversations here and quoting others. I say that as a moderator.

It's difficult to converse that way. It only invites dickish behavior from the guy you're quoting. Thanks.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
The buyer of my house just bailed on the sale after being in escrow only 10 days - it’s hilarious cause he said it was due to the pergola, and the old fashion 1930’s windows. Hilarious. I know it has nothing to do with that. This is just bad timing for me with this stock market shit. Has everyone freaking out.

Hopefully you will get to keep the security deposit which most decent brokers will write into your escrow agreement.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
Hopefully you will get to keep the security deposit which most decent brokers will write into your escrow agreement.

The good thing is this house has lots of interest in it, we got 2 offer in just 16 days on the market, so we feel positive that with a little more time I will have the right buyer.

Plus that guy is some jerkoff from Beverly Hills - some hot shot who ultimately can’t afford the house. Let him keep his deposit. I don’r want that clown’s money.

PLUS tonight my buddy has to pay up his Super Bowl bet he made with me - porterhouse and 3 pints at Lucky’s Steakhouse — he was the guy who painted my house and he was all for the freakin’ 49ers and talking all sorta of crap so I couldn’t let that stand and put it on the line for Ram fans everywhere and backed KC. So all is good!