Taylor Lewan - Tale of the Tape

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Jan 14, 2013
Okay guys, I figured I'd do my best to explain here why I do not like Lewan's film. Some feel that I am unfairly criticizing him because of my vocal concerns over his character...and it's understandable. I've been a harsh critic of his off the field transgressions. However, I promise you that I do my absolute best to separate off the field from on the field when evaluating a prospect. In this post, I'll try to illustrate using photos the major concerns I have with Lewan.

Problem #1


Here's one of the biggest concerns I have with Lewan and one of the biggest causes of the problems in his game. Lewan is a waist bender. Look at his posture here. In case some don't understand why waist bending is a negative, I'll explain. For an OL, you want a guy that bends at the knees rather than the waist. And it's a natural thing, you can rarely teach a guy to bend at the knees just like you can rarely teach a body-catcher to snatch the ball consistently with his hands. Bending at the knees allows an OL to sit back in his stance, keep his butt down, keep his center of gravity low, and stay centered on his feet.

By doing that, the OL is better able to maintain his balance. When he bends at the waist, he puts his weight forward over his toes which throws off his equilibrium. It makes him much more susceptible to being yanked off balance by a DE.

On the first play, Max Bullough (who has no business beating Lewan) is able to attack the inside gap, rip under Lewan's arms and pull him off balance allowing him to pressure the QB.

Problem #2





In some of the pictures it's hard to see, however, in each of these pictures Lewan has gotten his hands up into the helmet and/or facemask of the defender. It's a thing you see consistently when you watch him play, especially when he's struggling. Lewan's punch timing and placement is quite inconsistent and often when his punch is poorly placed or late, he tries to compensate by grabbing the defender by the facemask. He got away with far too often in college. NFL Officials don't tend to be too forgiving with LTs when it comes to getting their hands up in the opposing DL's helmet.

This is a tough habit to coach a kid out of because it's instinctual for him. It's a defensive mechanism when he's worried he'll get beat. Issue is that you see it far too often before Lewan actually is at risk of getting beat. There are many more examples of this that I didn't post. These are just a few from two games.

Problem #3


So here's one thing that scares the hell out of me with Justin Smith and Aldon Smith in our division. Lewan, because of the aforementioned problem with bending, can get too upright. Especially when he is late with his punch. Being 6'7"+ also doesn't help. When this happens, strong DEs with long arms can get onto his chest plate, lock out his arms, and have their way with him. Clowney does that in both clips here. In the second clip, he ends up drawing a holding call when Lewan grabs him to stop him from sacking Gardner.

Lewan struggles to absorb punches and has to get his hands on the defender first...especially stronger defenders. Because of his poor bend, when they get underneath his pads, he has no way of stopping them from putting him on skates and pushing him back to the QB. An OT that bends well has the ability to give ground to the DE while widening his base, bending at the knees, and dropping his butt in order to try and recover to anchor back in. A guy like Lewan is going to have issues doing that.

Problem #4




Again, we're going back to Lewan's stiffness. In order to win leverage in the run game and because he's an aggressive guy, Lewan fires out of his stance low but bends heavily at the waist while doing it which gives him very little balance and lateral agility. Clowney was able to side-step Lewan multiple times in the game and blow up running plays in the back-field after Lewan whiffed. The final two pictures are of the same play. Clowney blows up Dennard Robinson on the play after he swims over Lewan. As you can see in the fourth picture, Lewan has his head down and weight too far forward which allows Clowney to use his right arm to grab Lewan's shoulder pad to push him off balance while swimming over the top with the left arm. After that, Dennard Robinson is a sitting duck as seen in the third picture. In the second picture, Joey Bosa gets underneath Lewan and drives him right back into the HB.

Another major issue with Lewan as a run blocker is that he's not a powerful drive blocker. A lot is made out of Lewan's run blocking and from what I've seen on film, it's unwarranted. IMO, the kid is a much better fit in the ZBS than the PBS. He's excellent at blocking down, blocking on the move (due to his straight-line speed) and blocking at the second level (due to his motor and aggressiveness). However, Lewan doesn't have a powerful initial pop as a straight up drive blocker and doesn't consistently show the ability to bury the defender. He gets little push when doing straight up power blocks. It's not from a lack of effort as he does a nice job of latching on, sustaining his blocks, and driving his legs. He just doesn't get much movement. I question how powerful he is in the lower half. When you put his film side by side with a powerful road grader like Robinson, it's striking how little push he gets in comparison.

Lewan's aggressiveness, motor (always plays through the whistle), mobility, and use of angles should be commended as a run blocker but he's not the type of guy that blows the man in front of him off the ball.

Problem #5





Here's the nail in the proverbial Lewan coffin for me. Taylor Lewan has heavy feet, a tendency to over-set in his kick-slide, and struggles to redirect to counter moves. That's a terrible thing for a NFL LT. Which is why I have a sneaking suspicion that Lewan ends up at RT in the NFL. Ohio State's defense took Lewan to the woodshed. And they weren't doing anything special. For example, in the third picture, the Ohio State defender stopped, took a step towards the inside gap, and then exploded around the corner. Lewan was left in the dust as he could not redirect his momentum in time to cut off the player around the corner. Gardner was able to get rid of the ball before the player got there. And that's understandable, it happens.

However, issue is that Joey Bosa embarrassed him doing the same thing all game long. Bosa's go to move was to attack the corner with a speed rush before cutting back into the inside gap. And he used a variety of moves while doing it. In the final two pictures, he used a spin move to beat Lewan inside. In the second picture, he beat Lewan with a club move back inside. The problem here was that Lewan had no ability to redirect and counter these moves. He was not able to redirect and slide quickly enough in position to cut-off Bosa. This led to Bosa picking up 1.5 sacks and hitting Gardner another few times during the game.

In the NFL, you better bet pass rushers are going to do their homework and if they see that weakness, they will exploit it all game long. And once they start to exploit that inside gap, Lewan is going to over-compensate and give them the corner.

My personal opinion is that I would not touch Lewan in the first round...solely based on film. I'm not even taking character into account with that evaluation. Despite Lewan's measurables, he's not a graceful or effortless mover on the field like Jake Matthews and Greg Robinson. He's not light on his feet. He's not an overpowering drive blocking mauler in the run game. He's not a technically sound player. He doesn't bend naturally. I really have to say that I don't understand why he's rated as highly as he is. He has great speed for an OL in a straight-line, he is a nasty kid that plays through the whistle, he has a non-stop motor, and he's a very effective zone run blocker. However, I don't think that's enough to off-set the other glaring flaws in his game and I don't think the issues he has are easily fixable.

Personally, I think Taylor Lewan is Scout's fools gold. Has the nasty demeanor, size, and measurables that teams love...but ultimately, the film just doesn't match-up to the current projections out there for him right now.

Anyone disagree? I'm more than willing to hear out dissenting opinions. I don't believe my opinion is infallible.
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I somewhat "like" him and won't cry if the Rams draft him but to be honest, there is a part of me that see's Richie Incognito in him.

That is to say "all nasty but not enough substance."

So i can see your points.


Hall of Fame
Jul 31, 2010
Did they bring Lewan in for a visit? I haven't seen his name on any visit list.

Snead and Fisher have not drafted guys in the first round who they didn't have on the visit list.

This point plus the fact that I haven't seen anything from anywhere else that suggests Lewan is even remotely close to the 2nd best player in this draft is very telling to me.

So I'll be absolutely shocked if what Kiper is spewing comes to pass. Never forget that Kiper is the guy who said Jimmy Clausen is going in the top 5.


Pro Bowler
Mar 31, 2014
Disregarding his off field stuff, I don't want him at #13. I want pro bowl quality and I think Matthews and Robinson have it (even if it is at RT).
But, if they got him at #17-20 (after a trade down) I could live with that decision.


Hall of Fame
Sep 20, 2012
nice analysis Jrry, I've seen him being too upright and "mast-like" on tape for my liking and we don't need a player who's going to be penalised frequently to be drafted - especially not in the early rounds :|


Jan 23, 2013
Totally agree with everything Jrry said on Lewan. I watch a lot of B1G football and I never understood why the guy was so highly touted.

I rarely get upset with a Rams draft pick. The last time I really flipped out was when they took Jimmy Kennedy. If the Rams draft Lewan in round 1 I will be very very disappointed in this regimes evaluation skills.


Oct 22, 2013
You guys kill me. On the one hand you all gush about how great Bou is and on the other hand you are all ready to bash him if we draft Lewan. Does anyone actually think we'll be drafting a LT without major input from Bou? The have your cake and eat it crowd. :LOL: If you're right about Lewan and you're right about Bou then we won't draft him. If we do draft him then that means you're wrong about at least one of them. So either the sky is falling or it isn't and you're still running around like chickens with your heads cut off. :seizure:

I've written down everyone's name who claims they're going to explode if we pick him and if I ever read a post where you're gushing about Bou's acumen and prowess as a coach, I'm going to give you a lump of coal for Xmas instead of the really, really nice fruitcake I had planned on sending you. :mad: :LOL:


Hall of Fame
Apr 23, 2013
You guys kill me. On the one hand you all gush about how great Bou is and on the other hand you are all ready to bash him if we draft Lewan. Does anyone actually think we'll be drafting a LT without major input from Bou? The have your cake and eat it crowd. :LOL: If you're right about Lewan and you're right about Bou then we won't draft him. If we do draft him then that means you're wrong about at least one of them. So either the sky is falling or it isn't and you're still running around like chickens with your heads cut off. :seizure:

I've written down everyone's name who claims they're going to explode if we pick him and if I ever read a post where you're gushing about Bou's acumen and prowess as a coach, I'm going to give you a lump of coal for Xmas instead of the really, really nice fruitcake I had planned on sending you. :mad: :LOL:
Even the best NFL evaluators aren't infallible. It's okay to disagree with them. The best should get more leeway but they can still be questioned.


Jan 14, 2013
Most of what jrry32 has graciously taken time to explain is on target....when we watched the OL'ers in the combine earlier this yr ...it was stamped with a ! when the OT's went through their drills. What I saw in Jake Mathews with his natural knee bending maneuvers & control of his body & position in comparison to Taylor's not even close. I will take the smaller less athletic and less strong OT Jake Matthews all day over Taylor Lewan.

Boudreau likes OL'ers to be able to play many OL positions...I do think that Lewan can play both OT positions but it looks very doubtful he could perfrom inside if needed. I think that Lewan will be a starter in the NFL but it most likely will be as a RIGHT OT position. I prefer Jawuan James/Tennessee much better than Lewan myself.
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Apr 2, 2014
I scouted a bunch of Taylor Lewan film. I agree with you. Did you see that play when he held Clowney by the dreadlocks? I'm afraid Lewan will be a penalty machine. We were second only to the Seahawks in penalties. With Taylor Lewan on board, we topple Seattle!


Oct 22, 2013
V3 pointing out a truism:
Even the best NFL evaluators aren't infallible. It's okay to disagree with them. The best should get more leeway but they can still be questioned.
Of course they can and should be questioned. You still can't have your cake and eat it too though. Either you think that Bou is the best (or one of the best) at what he does or you think you're better than him. If you're one of those who think Bou is in that category, then all questioning of his decisions or evaluations should come with this qualifier at the end: "I don't like him but I'll trust in Bou's decisions until he's proven wrong."

Or, you should stop talking about Bou "training up low round O-line guys to be great or even good starters. You can't do both IMO.

Plus, I was just poking fun at you guys as I pictured multiple headless chickens running around yelling "the sky is falling, the sky is falling". That wasn't more than 50% serious V3. ;) It's way too early in the morning for that.


Hall of Fame
Jul 31, 2010
You guys kill me. On the one hand you all gush about how great Bou is and on the other hand you are all ready to bash him if we draft Lewan. Does anyone actually think we'll be drafting a LT without major input from Bou? The have your cake and eat it crowd. :LOL: If you're right about Lewan and you're right about Bou then we won't draft him. If we do draft him then that means you're wrong about at least one of them. So either the sky is falling or it isn't and you're still running around like chickens with your heads cut off. :seizure:

I've written down everyone's name who claims they're going to explode if we pick him and if I ever read a post where you're gushing about Bou's acumen and prowess as a coach, I'm going to give you a lump of coal for Xmas instead of the really, really nice fruitcake I had planned on sending you. :mad: :LOL:

Here's my issue. I hate when a guy who no one had as the best at his position, after months of evaluation, suddenly gets drafted first. Reminds me of the Donnie Avery pick.


Oct 22, 2013
max with his pet peeve:
Here's my issue. I hate when a guy who no one had as the best at his position, after months of evaluation, suddenly gets drafted first.
I agree with that max. On the other hand, He's been rated in the top three all year so those who are talking crap about him now are swimming against the tide. Doesn't mean they're wrong but with so many experts disagreeing with them, it certainly should give you pause for thought. Obviously, others are seeing things many of our ROD experts aren't seeing.


Hall of Fame
Jul 31, 2010
I agree with that max. On the other hand, He's been rated in the top three all year so those who are talking crap about him now are swimming against the tide. Doesn't mean they're wrong but with so many experts disagreeing with them, it certainly should give you pause for thought. Obviously, others are seeing things many of our ROD experts aren't seeing.

Good point. I'm not all that down on Lewan just not at #2. If we get him in a trade down, then fine. Dan Shonka likes him better than Greg Robinson and thinks he can go as high as #4. So that would be ok with me. I just don't like giving up the draft capital at #2 for a guy who is not universally accepted as worthy of that spot. I've seen that kind of move backfire too many times.


Oct 22, 2013
Yeah, I would scream bloody murder if we took him at #2. No chance of that happening IMO. A trade down to 6-10 might require us to go in that direction. I'd be OK with that considering the extra picks we'll get if we do trade down.


Mar 17, 2014
Best post I've seen all month.

For guys like myself that don't get to watch much college ball, you brought in some very nice insight on a player I knew little about.

Much appreciated.

Does anyone care for Martin? Though 13 may be too high for him.

If we go with Clowney or Watkins, we are more likely to wait until the second rnd for online help. I feel our #13 will be dt or secondary. (Seems to be a common assumtion)


Oct 22, 2013
I've never heard anybody here saying they don't like Martin. As usual, it depends on where in the draft you're talking about. I think he doesn't make it out of the first round. I think Moses goes in the first too. Martin at #13-20 is right where he should go IMO.

Bitonio might not make it out of the first too. Top half of the second round at worst I think.


Mar 17, 2014
I've never heard anybody here saying they don't like Martin. As usual, it depends on where in the draft you're talking about. I think he doesn't make it out of the first round. I think Moses goes in the first too. Martin at #13-20 is right where he should go IMO.

Bitonio might not make it out of the first too. Top half of the second round at worst I think.

So Martin could very well be in play at 13.