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Aug 10, 2013
I'm a little surprised that this discussion hasn't popped up. I realize it's a very delicate topic. And I'm not entirely sure how ROD will handle it(even though everybody here is awesome). So if it gets out of hand, or any moderators feel like it's unnecessary to talk about, feel free to delete it.

Gay marriage is legal. After years of throwing parades and rallies to represent love, it finally worked. I for one, have never cared either way. You love each other, get married. It's not like I have to go to the wedding. I have zero issues with it.

My problem is, now everybody and their brother is all of a sudden acting like they've been the LGBT leader all these years. People covering their faces with rainbows on Facebook. Sharing about how it's perfectly normal and there's nothing wrong with it. Bringing God into the discussion everyday(not that I get offended, I'm an agnostic), or just being plain annoying with it.

So, is this just a typical trend? Are people just trying to blend in with the crowd or has this world lost so much will to think for themselves? I'm not sure why it bothers me. Because I could care less what other people do. But it's just the constant "I SUPPORT GAY RIGHTS AND I HAVE ALL ALONG" schtick that's getting old. Alas, maybe this is just a rant, but I figured it could be turned into a discussion on what you guys(or girls, or both) think.

Fire away.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
Why I doubt this thread last long, I understand what your saying. Your not talking about right or wrong, your talking about the sudden "Rainbow Warriors". I really think it's annoying as well. not because I'm anti gay. But because it seems to bring out a bunch of fake people who want to pretend they have been telling the world for 15 years. Lol I reposted a pic on the facespace that cracked me up. It said something along the lines of "i get on my fb this morning and it looks like the confederates are at war with a skittles factory " cracked me up. But for real, I get what your saying and I think it's just people wanting to say in 30 years that they were part of the solution.


Aug 10, 2013
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Why I doubt this thread last long, I understand what your saying. Your not talking about right or wrong, your talking about the sudden "Rainbow Warriors". I really think it's annoying as well. not because I'm anti gay. But because it seems to bring out a bunch of fake people who want to pretend they have been telling the world for 15 years. Lol I reposted a pic on the facespace that cracked me up. It said something along the lines of "i get on my fb this morning and it looks like the confederates are at war with a skittles factory " cracked me up. But for real, I get what your saying and I think it's just people wanting to say in 30 years that they were part of the solution.
That's exactly how I feel. I just think if you're not gay, or close to someone who's gay, why else besides wanting to fit in or get attention would you do it? Also...

This is one of the funniest pictures ever seen lol


May 28, 2011
The majority of Americans (about 55-60%) think that gay marriage should be legal and is fine... Breaking that number down further, about 80% of those between the age of 18-29 years of age (which is almost 50% of all Facebook users, only 28% of users are over the age of 34) support gay marriage as well... Typically the older you go the less support. 65 years or older have about 40ish% approval.

So it's not shocking to see a lot of the rainbow flags on the profile pictures, a large majority of them probably are supporters of gay marriage. While most didn't go and directly work towards the cause they did support it.

I for one support it, and always have, but I don't really care to change my profile picture. Not in any protest, but because I'm just lazy and don't really see a need. I support marriage between two guys, two girls, girl and a guy, transgender, etc always have, and always will, I don't need to tell everyone. As long as it's consenting adults who can legally enter a contract then I don't care. I was the best man at my machine gunners wedding between him and his boyfriend of 8 years, they're one of the best couples I know.

One of my girlfriends best friends went to a pride rally yesterday and posted a bunch of pictures of her making out with chicks in her underwear... I've literally never heard her say a word about gay rights, and she has a habit of getting caught up in the moment. I'm sure she supported it, but she used the ruling as an excuse to make things about her, and honestly I'm sure she was telling people she was a lesbian and making up some sob story about her family not accepting her Probably plenty of others like her as well, who are getting caught up in the excitement. Hell during the Bin Laden raid I saw a lot of excited people on the internet and in real life who a month before were talking about how I only went into the military because I was too stupid to get into college. People just like to be a part of things and in a month we'll be onto something else.


Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Please don't anyone take this wrong, but I'm just thrilled to see someone in their 20's seeing what's going on.

Of course it's a good thing. Fucking Duh. The sixties were a lot more enlightened than people realize, and I'm surprised it took this long. 50 fucking years. Amazing. Truly amazing.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
The facebook profile picture thing is stupid. It's just another dumb trend to fish for likes.

I can't stand facebook. Too many people trying to get sympathy or creating drama. Although the comment wars make some excellent reading.


As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
Aug 22, 2013
This is another example of people making things about themselves like @bluecoconuts said. The same thing happens when you hear about a tragedy in which a lot of people are killed (as an example). People go on social media, post pictures and comments expressing how sad its made them. The whole facebook 'like' this picture if it made you cry' nonsense is part of it.

Fair enough, I get that events (big or small) can touch you. Posters on here have posted personal things and have received sympathetic responses which I think is brilliant but when people go overboard and make it about themselves, that really p1sses me off. Its attention seeking and can be disrespectful in certain circumstances.


Pro Bowler
Jun 19, 2014
I've got no qualms with gay marriage and am happy for those that are able to have their union together recognized by the government. I've got an opinion on another matter. I'm not afraid of homosexuals nor do I believe they have an agenda that they are pushing so please don't confuse me as a homophobic heterosexual male. I'm of the opinion that the rainbow flag is ugly. I would go as far as to say that it is the ugliest flag I've ever seen. I don't really have a sense of fashion (sandals and socks? Yes Please!) but that square with the colors of the rainbow looks nothing like an actual rainbow. understand that it symbolizes all these wonderful things but there is no shame in updating it. We updated the US flag multiple times. The rainbow flag doesn't even look like a rainbow, this is a rainbow:

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
I'm old school dude and we used the word "gay" to describe anything your friend did that was well... gay
But I can see how things should change
And being in the entertainment biz I come across the gay quite often and I have learned to really appreciate their talent and skills that us straight dudes just don't have.
The gay dude can give everything a woman wants without the sex - that's genius
My wife has a gay friend who is one of the smartest dudes ever and super talented - I feel totally cool with them hanging out
I really like the guy as a human being and don't care about what he does as long as he isn't grabbing my crank. Which won't ever happen cause the dudes that guy hangs out with are all well dressed with perfect hair and muscles ....needless to say I'm not that spiffy

I don't know, I guess I'm the last of a breed who now has to bite their tongue when they see a guy doing wacky shit, and instead of saying Gayyyyyy, I have to find another word to describe the gayocity.

Or how about this ?

Today it's cool to be gay
So better yet next time I see something cool and totally heterosexual like Stephanie Seymour in a bikini mounting a Ferrari I'll start to drool and say "that's gaaay"


Pro Bowler
Jun 19, 2014
I'm old school dude and we used the word "gay" to describe anything your friend did that was well... gay
But I can see how things should change
And being in the entertainment biz I come across the gay quite often and I have learned to really appreciate their talent and skills that us straight dudes just don't have.
The gay dude can give everything a woman wants without the sex - that's genius
My wife has a gay friend who is one of the smartest dudes ever and super talented - I feel totally cool with them hanging out
I really like the guy as a human being and don't care about what he does as long as he isn't grabbing my crank. Which won't ever happen cause the dudes that guy hangs out with are all well dressed with perfect hair and muscles ....needless to say I'm not that spiffy

I don't know, I guess I'm the last of a breed who now has to bite their tongue when they see a guy doing wacky crap, and instead of saying Gayyyyyy, I have to find another word to describe the gayocity.

Or how about this ?

Today it's cool to be gay
So better yet next time I see something cool and totally heterosexual like Stephanie Seymour in a bikini mounting a Ferrari I'll start to drool and say "that's gaaay"
Your post is so Hetero.


Jan 15, 2013
I'm old school dude and we used the word "gay" to describe anything your friend did that was well... gay
But I can see how things should change
And being in the entertainment biz I come across the gay quite often and I have learned to really appreciate their talent and skills that us straight dudes just don't have.
The gay dude can give everything a woman wants without the sex - that's genius
My wife has a gay friend who is one of the smartest dudes ever and super talented - I feel totally cool with them hanging out
I really like the guy as a human being and don't care about what he does as long as he isn't grabbing my crank. Which won't ever happen cause the dudes that guy hangs out with are all well dressed with perfect hair and muscles ....needless to say I'm not that spiffy

I don't know, I guess I'm the last of a breed who now has to bite their tongue when they see a guy doing wacky crap, and instead of saying Gayyyyyy, I have to find another word to describe the gayocity.

Or how about this ?

Today it's cool to be gay
So better yet next time I see something cool and totally heterosexual like Stephanie Seymour in a bikini mounting a Ferrari I'll start to drool and say "that's gaaay"
The thought police have no sense of humor. PCism is reaching the saturation point....hopefully and the tide will roll back the other way. The activists will always have another target as this is what they do, it's an industry.
Now that it is becoming accepted that a man is really a woman or vice versa (reality doesn't matter) I thought it was just perfect that lady "self identifying" as black. I surrender. Insanity has won. I will just refer to every person in a way that is accurate, hello carbon based life form.
As for the marriage, it's cool with me. The law of the unintended consequence will kick in. It is what happens in America. The definition has been changed. So, people are going to push that. Courts will be hearing cases of poly marriage with multiples couples ect. This will happen. That does not justify denying a group of people rights. So, it will be interesting to see where the government moves the line. Of course, that will come down to tax law.


Hall of Fame
Sep 29, 2013
The thought police have no sense of humor. PCism is reaching the saturation point....hopefully and the tide will roll back the other way. The activists will always have another target as this is what they do, it's an industry.
Now that it is becoming accepted that a man is really a woman or vice versa (reality doesn't matter) I thought it was just perfect that lady "self identifying" as black. I surrender. Insanity has won. I will just refer to every person in a way that is accurate, hello carbon based life form.
As for the marriage, it's cool with me. The law of the unintended consequence will kick in. It is what happens in America. The definition has been changed. So, people are going to push that. Courts will be hearing cases of poly marriage with multiples couples ect. This will happen. That does not justify denying a group of people rights. So, it will be interesting to see where the government moves the line. Of course, that will come down to tax law.

Quite honestly I don't know how you can now refuse someones right to polygamy anymore on the grounds of "public morality" or decency. If equality is the only deciding factor in this then absolutely anything goes now - if it doesn't you just start a campaign for that magic word "equality" and people lap it up without really thinking about what it means.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
This is another example of people making things about themselves like @bluecoconuts said. The same thing happens when you hear about a tragedy in which a lot of people are killed (as an example). People go on social media, post pictures and comments expressing how sad its made them. The whole facebook 'like' this picture if it made you cry' nonsense is part of it.

Fair enough, I get that events (big or small) can touch you. Posters on here have posted personal things and have received sympathetic responses which I think is brilliant but when people go overboard and make it about themselves, that really p1sses me off. Its attention seeking and can be disrespectful in certain circumstances.

I get pissed when I see those after catastrophes. Like the Nepal earthquakes, people were posting "OMG Nepal. Prayers!" And I'm just sitting there thinking, OK these poor folks in Nepal can't even go inside a building, but I'm sure they'll just be OK by knowing you posted a status on fucking facebook. I get many people are spiritual, which is perfectly fine. However, just b/c you post it on fucking facebook doesn't mean the guys that really need it will know.


Jan 15, 2013
I get pissed when I see those after catastrophes. Like the Nepal earthquakes, people were posting "OMG Nepal. Prayers!" And I'm just sitting there thinking, OK these poor folks in Nepal can't even go inside a building, but I'm sure they'll just be OK by knowing you posted a status on freaking facebook. I get many people are spiritual, which is perfectly fine. However, just b/c you post it on freaking facebook doesn't mean the guys that really need it will know.
Its why I have no bumper stickers on my car. Its bumper sticker mentality. Gives someone the feeling of doing something without really doing anything.


Jan 15, 2013
Quite honestly I don't know how you can now refuse someones right to polygamy anymore on the grounds of "public morality" or decency. If equality is the only deciding factor in this then absolutely anything goes now - if it doesn't you just start a campaign for that magic word "equality" and people lap it up without really thinking about what it means.
True enough.
Unintended consequence. When restaurant smoking bans started way back (my mother was one of the people who helped first draft this) in my home town I was against it. My logic was it would eventually lead to peoples person space/rights being violated. As we have seen there have been multiple cases of people being forced to move ect. because a neighbor thinks they can smell smoke. Or people not being allowed to smoke in their own cars with the windows up. It is just insane. We will see where it goes.


Jan 15, 2013
Please don't anyone take this wrong, but I'm just thrilled to see someone in their 20's seeing what's going on.

Of course it's a good thing. freaking Duh. The sixties were a lot more enlightened than people realize, and I'm surprised it took this long. 50 freaking years. Amazing. Truly amazing.
The 60s may have been has also been a cultural disaster. So is the price of progress I suppose.


As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
Aug 22, 2013
I get pissed when I see those after catastrophes. Like the Nepal earthquakes, people were posting "OMG Nepal. Prayers!" And I'm just sitting there thinking, OK these poor folks in Nepal can't even go inside a building, but I'm sure they'll just be OK by knowing you posted a status on freaking facebook. I get many people are spiritual, which is perfectly fine. However, just b/c you post it on freaking facebook doesn't mean the guys that really need it will know.

They're probably the same people who post vague but attention seeking status updates that are designed to prompt others to ask if they're ok.

Person 1: *sad face*
Person 2: you ok honey? xx
LumberTubs: get a life you pathetic attention seeking piece of ****!!!


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 3, 2014
One of my girlfriends best friends went to a pride rally yesterday and posted a bunch of pictures of her making out with chicks in her underwear...

Pictures? (can you guess which side of the fence I'm on? :snicker:)


Cowboys rudeboy.
Sep 18, 2014
I'm completely pro-choice and pro-homo. I'll never understand why people get so angry about topics that have ZERO effect on their life. Against abortion? Then don't get an abortion! Against gay marriage? If your life is somehow worse because two fruits get married; remember to slice DOWN on your wrist.